Wednesday, June 22, 2011

leonardo dicaprio 2011 photos

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  • RacerX
    Dec 2, 03:20 AM
    People, the single worst thing that the Mac community faces in the area of security is upon us right now...

    Little security experts who cry exploit.

    Thanks to the media jumping at anything that looks like it could be a security problem with Mac OS X, we now have security experts who are willing to make half-baked claims to draw attention to themselves. But even more frightening is the fact that the Mac community isn't a target because it is a good target or an easy target... no, we are a target because it is the most notable target these days.

    So, how do we fix this?

    Frankly, I don't know.

    The security experts are going to call anyone who questions their work names, and they seem bent on avoiding any consultation with real Mac experts before issuing press releases. I would have thought that these types of Pons & Fleischmann tactics would have died out on their own, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Part of the problem is that erroneous reports aren't being covered as widely as the initial claims.

    The other problem is that even after real, working exploits start showing up in the wild, we are a long ways off from being anywhere near where the Windows community is today. In fact, we'd be a long ways off from where the Mac community was at the peak of it's virus period (how many here actually recall those days?).

    The only thing I can suggest (which I doubt anyone will follow) is to avoid the hysteria. When a real threat emerges, you'll most likely hear about it long before you are actually in any danger from it.

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  • Fotek2001
    Aug 17, 09:51 AM
    Uhm, is it me, or do i see more and more inconsistencies in the ui?

    the buttons on the spotlight window or nothing like the buttons on the preview window for example..and i wonder why.

    not that tiger is that consistent...

    Don't forget this is a preview. I don't think we're seeing the full picture yet.

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  • phototech11
    Mar 16, 11:02 AM
    I have a black iPad2 64gb Verizon that I picked up at Brea Mall this morning.

    Looking to trade for black iPad2 64gb AT&T.




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  • rhinosrcool
    May 2, 02:07 AM
    This is great news for the families of the victims of 9/11. Also, even though it took a long time, we finally got that bastard.

    There's nothing wrong in celebrating the death of an evil scumbag who was responsible for over 3000 deaths.

    Yes, I chanted USA!

    Obama's speech was excellent.


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  • fabian9
    Apr 22, 04:23 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    That looks sexy. I dont think they'll be able to go back to a metallic back though because they'd struggle to put antennas anywhere else than the back...

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  • BillyBobBongo
    May 3, 07:43 AM
    It doesn't even get above the fold on Apple's homepage.

    The fold is an old sound like my boss! :p


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  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Oct 18, 05:44 PM
    ok, now that the quarter's over, maybe we can get some hardware releases. Me thinks they were waiting to get the full effect for the holiday quarter, but then again, what do I know.

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  • johnnymg
    Apr 22, 04:17 PM
    If true, there are going to be HUGE lines for this.


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  • Popeye206
    Apr 13, 08:39 PM
    That is why iPhone (4) sales will remain close to zero until the iPhone 5 introduction. A white iPhone 4 will not change that very much. :rolleyes:

    ????? When did this happen? You do realize that 99% of consumers don't follow this stuff that close and have no idea when products are released.

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  • JGowan
    Jul 28, 07:30 AM
    "Three to Five Years"! What a HARD laugh!

    The iPod (which started the whole dang thang) has only been OUT for five years and the iTunes Music Store for about three.

    I think it is downright presumptous to predict 5 years down the pike just about anything when NOBODY could've predicted just what Apple would accomplish in such a period of time.


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  • wovel
    Apr 28, 12:28 PM
    So the iPhone went from being pummeled by Android to now just being badly beaten.

    That is Awesome.

    There is not a single Android device that outsold the iPhone 3GS. That is pathetisad...

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  • Macinthetosh
    Apr 22, 04:36 PM
    Why? I loved my iPhone 4 (before I lost it) but my 3GS is far easier to hold.

    I still prefer the iPhone4 design aesthetically, but the reason is the awesomeness of the exterior metallic antenna look, rather than the rectangular block shape. Although, a teardrop design would mean the loss of the external antenna, which would be disappointing from an aesthetic point of view, but something I could live with.

    By "teardrop," I am referring to the tapered look from top to bottom when viewed from a side-profile. I like the rounded edges of the original iPhone and slight hump on the back of the 3G because those are symmetrical (they are also nicer to hold than the iPhone 4).


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  • bluebomberman
    Jul 10, 05:00 PM
    As for being harsh, it seems like every time a thread on subject gets started, someone says Pages is only really suitable for newsletters, and not for "serious" writing. I find that most of the people who say this haven't gotten much past the template selection window. They see all those newsletter and flier templates and assume that this all Pages is good for. They've probably never created a template of their own and so are missing one of Pages' most powerful features.

    Part of the problem is the way they market it. There was such an emphasis on templates and graphic-intensive stuff when it was first demoed in MacWorld 2005 that it's hard to think it can be a good word processor. My first thought was how it looked 100x better than Microsoft Publisher.

    Again, I think this latest rumor shows that Apple will address some of the perceptions (or misperceptions, depending on who you ask) by allowing people to dive into word processing mode and adding better search and research functions. It just might make me a convert.

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  • sikkinixx
    Jul 11, 03:16 PM
    if MS makes it cheaper than an iPod then Apple might have some trouble. Parents/grandparents who are technologically ignorant will generally buy whatever Bestbuy salesman pimps to them for their kid. So if it is cheaper than an iPod with similar functions then a lot will be bought.


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  • Cougarcat
    Apr 13, 02:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Anytime an "analyst" opens their mouth, it should be page 2 material at best.

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  • Platform
    Oct 24, 09:00 AM
    For the "why only MBP's and not MB's too"

    As said, less press coverage, but also maybe more important is that now there is a gap between the [rosumer line and the consumer line ;)

    750GB drives in iMac's , Mac Pro's , Xserves....!


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  • Actarus
    May 4, 01:33 AM
    Safe to say at this point we will have to wait. Man, I had that upgrade waiting. But then again, what's another three months to wait from the usual release date?

    3 months... Or more, we don't know, that's the problem. Meanwhile, the Galaxy S2, an outstanding phone(reviews say), will be in the market. Apple, wake up.

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  • strabes
    Apr 29, 03:44 PM
    My thoughts exactly. Reeks of collusion and I could see lawsuits flying over this.

    In what way does this reek of collusion?

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 15, 01:34 PM
    Can't wait to see the goodies

    Sep 14, 12:38 AM
    Thousand Suns was such a disappointment. one, maybe two good songs at best.

    anywho: InvisiShield MAXIMUM for ipt4. i'm ocd about keeping gadgets clean. and my lord, the ipt4 is a fingerprint magnet. i just about cried after seeing it within 5 minutes of opening. i also vacuum my playstation every week when i'm at home..

    Nov 3, 08:04 PM
    There's a manual here:

    The beta is probably floating around the Internets by now, if you know where to look. I can't confirm that directly, but these things do leak fast.

    Oct 23, 09:29 AM
    So I'll say that, if this is accurate, I stand corrected. After a few years of reading Microsoft (and other) EULAs, even I thought Microsoft wouldn't be that retarded. ;-)

    Given the language, and given the additional-license situation with Business and Ultimate, I still have to say I'm surprised.
    The more "interesting" restriction I saw (and mentioned in the other thread) was the "don't use DRM in a VM" restriction even with business or ultimate. :eek: :rolleyes:


    May 2, 12:01 AM
    I meant a source for your ideas of how those involved in Al-Qaeda branded cells viewed Osama as invincible.

    How could that be when it is well known the man has messed up kidneys and needed ongoing medical care as well as dialysis?

    It sounded more to me like you think that is how members view him.I think they assumed that the US would never find and kill him. He probably told his followers that and they probably believed him

    Apr 24, 04:11 AM
    this isnt shop lifting, this is a human fighting for their dear life. getting paid 5 dollars an hr is not more important than a human life in my eyes..i bet if it wasnt a lgbt creature then people would of tried to block the savage teens from their cruel acts. :mad:

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