Saturday, June 25, 2011

preakness stakes trophy

preakness stakes trophy. preakness stakes trophy.
  • preakness stakes trophy.

  • scrambledwonder
    Mar 31, 06:11 PM
    That's terrible. I use a computer because I don't want to use paper. And I don't want to see paper on my computer screen. Bone-heads. Need to get rid of these old paper-centric fogies at Apple.

    preakness stakes trophy. 134th Preakness Stakes
  • 134th Preakness Stakes

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 18, 11:36 PM
    PLEASE have battery drain fix!
    If this is the case I will be upgrading ASAP.

    preakness stakes trophy. 134th Preakness Stakes
  • 134th Preakness Stakes

  • NATO
    Jul 25, 09:51 AM
    In the UK edu prices:
    £31 for Mighty Mouse and £35 for the Bluetooth version.

    Not too bad I guess. I'll be holding out for the black version though :)

    I've been checking the UK store (Higher Ed + Normal) since the announcement, the Wireless Mighty Mouse is still not up there. Are you sure you're not confusing the Mighty Mouse with the wired one? ( The Wired Mighty Mouse is is £31.73 H.E, £35.00 Retail)

    Plus, I think we've already had a link to MacWorld showing the price at £49.99

    preakness stakes trophy. of the Preakness Stakes
  • of the Preakness Stakes

  • jaw04005
    May 1, 10:05 PM
    Good. Hell of a way to kick off your reelection campaign.


    preakness stakes trophy. The Preakness Stakes 1935 and
  • The Preakness Stakes 1935 and

  • Apple OC
    May 2, 12:25 AM
    The perception was that he was not in charge for a few years. If he was in a mansion and not a cave he might have still have a bigger role than we thought. I don't think this will end Al Qaeda but it could slow them down for a while.

    I agree ... the question now is ... what role did the people in that mansion play?

    this story is just beginning

    preakness stakes trophy. Preakness Stakes trophy
  • Preakness Stakes trophy

  • lbro
    Apr 27, 08:29 PM
    I think nies could possibly be a werewolf. I don't think eldiablojoe is one though so I'm going to vote for nies.


    preakness stakes trophy. the Belmont Stakes trophy
  • the Belmont Stakes trophy

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Apr 11, 01:13 PM
    What time is the new FCP being shown? Will there be a live or after event stream? I was able to use the current version in a school class two years ago and I'm interested to see how it's going to change... Can't afford it today, but someday I'd like to replace iMovie with it.

    preakness stakes trophy. the Preakness Stakes horse
  • the Preakness Stakes horse

  • DouchGod
    Apr 14, 07:09 AM
    Wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a new marketing scheme by Apple to get all the tech sites talking.....


    preakness stakes trophy. the Preakness Stakes horse
  • the Preakness Stakes horse

  • Sky Blue
    Mar 31, 10:26 AM
    I hope like Address Book, you can change it back.

    preakness stakes trophy. The Preakness Stakes trophy.
  • The Preakness Stakes trophy.

  • Tone Driver
    Apr 12, 02:56 PM
    I wish I knew more about the fate of the white 4... I got a white 3G the day they came out, so you can imagine how frustrating it's been to have waited so long for the white 4 while able to upgrade anytime. Now we're just focused on the 5.

    If the white 4 is gone, I will have waited months and months for a phone that won't be here. Then I won't be able to wait that long for the 5 to come because life with this 3G sucks (and I'm sick of paying the same 100 bucks a month for a slow old phone), so I'll get the black 4. Then I'll be way behind in upgrade ability when the 5 comes out.

    K I'm done complaining. Carry on.


    preakness stakes trophy. Rachel Alexandra owner Jess Jackson took home the trophy at the 134th Preakness Stakes in Baltimore.
  • Rachel Alexandra owner Jess Jackson took home the trophy at the 134th Preakness Stakes in Baltimore.

  • kainjow
    Nov 3, 09:49 AM
    Some more info here:

    preakness stakes trophy. Preakness Stakes trophy
  • Preakness Stakes trophy

  • OhEsTen
    Dec 1, 02:23 PM
    C'mon Apple... don't let us down here.

    I agree with the other posters here that Apple needs to take this seriously and kick it into high gear. Send a message to the world (or at least your user-base) that you're on top of the situation.

    I for one, feel that Apple will come through, and am glad becuase I think there will always be a huge "community effort" put into making our choice of platforms better in terms of security


    preakness stakes trophy. get a shot at Preakness
  • get a shot at Preakness

  • marksman
    Apr 28, 06:19 PM
    The current 3GS with the cheapest plan you can get from AT&T would cost you 90% of what the same plan and a 4 would cost you.

    Not sure what's amazing about that, and I'm pretty sure that when the 5 is out, the 4 will end up costing roughly the same.

    Hardly amazing.

    Unless you're math challenged.

    Which anyone would be anyone who would consider such a deal for 3GS now or for a 4 when 5 is out.

    Considering the number of 3GS still being sold, there's a lot of math challenged iOS users out there.

    I don't know if you know how math works, but there are no discounts for not having a subsidy. You don't factor in the cost of service, that is not relevant. You will pay that regardless of the handset device. My regular iPhone would cost that.

    What about someone with multiple accounts? The additional line is $10 a month. You failed to consider all the factors in your math.

    For people buying an expensive smartphone getting the 3GS is a good deal. Notice how they sell more of them then any other smartphone besides the iPhone 4, even when Android handset makers give away their product.

    preakness stakes trophy. The 136th Preakness Stakes
  • The 136th Preakness Stakes

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 10:48 PM
    Great pictures.

    Proof positive that Apple did modify the phone but not the antenna. How do I know that?

    Because you've all convinced me that Steve The Great, is never wrong.

    Oh crap! Did I just say that? LOL


    preakness stakes trophy. the 136th Preakness Stakes
  • the 136th Preakness Stakes

  • Mochi Hana
    Apr 18, 05:05 PM
    Nice. :D

    preakness stakes trophy. 2003 Preakness Stakes Trophy
  • 2003 Preakness Stakes Trophy

  • Hutch98R1
    Jan 30, 07:45 PM
    Here is my question with the market....

    A year ago, when Apple was at 80 and the iPhone and all the new products had been announced, I figured everyone knew how great these products were going to be and had already inflated the price of the stock to a high 80. So, I decided not to buy.... well, as we know, the stock rose over 200. Everyone bought much later on.

    So, does this translate to: In a market that I know a lot about and believe in, even though new product news is out, before profit/financial news it out, should I still buy?
    (Yes, I am relatively new at this... flame on)
    It just drives me nuts, that I knew things were going to do well, and thought everyone already knew and had bought.


    preakness stakes trophy. 135th Preakness Stakes | Photo
  • 135th Preakness Stakes | Photo

  • maturola
    Apr 14, 09:31 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

    Here is your answer!,,, no really a mastery :eek:

    preakness stakes trophy. Martin Garcia holds the trophy
  • Martin Garcia holds the trophy

  • rjohnstone
    Sep 30, 05:04 PM
    I'd say it's more of a yes and no on AT&T quality.
    While their service may be spotty in certain locations, the iPhone doesn't exactly have the most stellar antenna.
    My iPhone has dropped calls in locations where my N75 (also on AT&T) has never missed a beat.

    preakness stakes trophy. the Preakness Stakes could
  • the Preakness Stakes could

  • rstansby
    Jun 6, 04:43 PM
    Yeah, "accidentally," sure. :rolleyes: The price and the buttons on the app store are clearly labeled. You don't just "accidentally" purchase this. It's only believable if the kid is still an infant and randomly tap on stuff, but 11 year old? Come on. :rolleyes: Besides, there's an option to restrict the ability to install apps on the OS.

    As many people have mentioned in this thread, once you enter your password to download one app, there is a short window when you are not required to enter it again to download another app.

    Apr 22, 05:01 PM
    The GSMArena article is wrong there. It is true that the F700 was officially "introduced in Feb 2007", but it was already shown at the IFA fair in Berlin in autumn 2006.

    So what?

    No one will deny the success Apple has, yet its not good enough for this greedy CEO and company.

    They are just out of control. Pure unadulterated gluttony.

    Mar 1, 12:01 PM
    All you need to do is look at him to know that it's not a show. He definitely wants publicity, but I don;t think it's going to get him the results he wants. Most people I know are horrified and of the opinion that he just ruined his career. I have to agree.

    I think with both Sheen and his producer (Chuck Lorre) he is fighting against, people will eventually forget this whole mess over what appears to be control on the show. It's not the first time a show's boss and it's top star have clashed. The series makes so much money that some infighting and typically huge and unrealistic egos will end up on page 10, and then disappear. When "Friends" was on, the backstage stories were giant, but now that the show is a memory, people will believe they are "friends". ;)

    Sheen has probably always been this out of control, and the same with other actors, producers, directors, and other powerful people in Hollywood. It's sad to see a person sink this low, but it doesn't shock me being in the field he is in with other meltdowns (Kramer-dude, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Phil Spector, and others).

    The same field that attracts independent, creative, and motivated individuals has many of those same individuals fashion themselves as larger than life. They start to believe their own press releases.

    Jan 25, 06:35 PM
    MacWorld, quarterly report and market in general. Expectations of MacWorld beyond reality and can't top iPhone. Quarterly report also not up to predictions, most of which were not from Apple. The rest was tracking the market, in general (compare today's chart for AAPL with the Dow).

    Good time to buy, from what I can see. Actually bought more, myself.

    Jul 25, 08:23 AM
    But will the corded Mighty Mouse get laser too?

    Mar 15, 11:30 AM
    I got a 64 AT&T. Trading it for a 16 wifi and cash to some nice people. Today worked out :D

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