Saturday, June 25, 2011

extreme couponing

extreme couponing. Example of extreme couponing.
  • Example of extreme couponing.

  • MacRumors
    Oct 23, 07:43 AM (

    As first noted in a HardMac forum post (, it appears Microsoft is specifying in its license agreements that the ability to operate in a virtualized environment is prohibited in Home Basic and Home Premium editions, leaving users to have to purchase either the Business or the Ultimate versions of the software to legally run in a virtualized environment.

    Mac users have found virtualization solutions such as Parallels Desktop a good way to switch between Mac OS X and Windows. This latest news from Microsoft may inhibit some use of the software as Business and Ultimate editions range from $300-400 verses Home Basic's $200 price point (prices (

    Microsoft's EULA agreements can be found here (

    extreme couponing. Extreme Couponing
  • Extreme Couponing

  • rstansby
    Jun 6, 04:43 PM
    Yeah, "accidentally," sure. :rolleyes: The price and the buttons on the app store are clearly labeled. You don't just "accidentally" purchase this. It's only believable if the kid is still an infant and randomly tap on stuff, but 11 year old? Come on. :rolleyes: Besides, there's an option to restrict the ability to install apps on the OS.

    As many people have mentioned in this thread, once you enter your password to download one app, there is a short window when you are not required to enter it again to download another app.

    extreme couponing. EXTREME COUPONING

  • johnnyjibbs
    Jun 6, 11:49 AM
    I believe that there has to be a "cooling off period" - at least here in the UK - after making a purchase at which point you are entitled by law to return the product. Normally that period is 7-14 days but individual stores may be even more lenient than that.

    Whether it is a mistake or not, I'm not sure that Apple can refuse a refund if it is a case of genuine mistake. And didn't Steve Jobs have that button he could press to remotely delete an app from someone's device anyway?

    extreme couponing. Extreme Couponing as shown
  • Extreme Couponing as shown

  • BruiserB
    Apr 14, 08:34 AM
    i = iOS
    x = OS X
    Mac = Mac
    Marketing Name = something they haven't thought of yet (or that violates someone else's trademark)

    So it's obviously the hybrid iOS/OS X Mac!


    extreme couponing. EXTREME COUPONING

  • TwoSocEmBoppers
    Mar 15, 01:03 AM
    Yay sold the iPad tonight! So officially buying one tomorrow.

    I'm going to try to go to Brea around 8:30. You think that is early enough?

    Also, Brea my best bet or other stores have less people/more inventory?

    extreme couponing. Couponing Into an Extreme
  • Couponing Into an Extreme

  • FX4568
    Apr 19, 04:54 PM
    These are all random/nonsensical figures you've made up FX4568. Outside of gaming, there are prescious few apps that will be affected by a 30% decrease in GPU.

    This will be even more true as Apple becomes better at optimising for Grand Central dispatch ( As an example the new Final Cut Pro X is said to optimise and scale well across all sizes of systems. I'd expect a much faster processor to 'soak up' the GPU drop in this instance.

    No. Outside of gaming, a larger proportion of processing is done in the CPU than the GPU, and improving the CPU will yield greater benefits.

    You can only really talk for yourself and others in this thread that subscribe to that opinion. What evidence to you have that the majority would notice?

    I would expect that most MBA owners aren't hardcore gamers - it's just not that sort of machine. Medium power graphic uses, like productivity apps or watching movies wouldn't be noticeably impacted.

    Of course, I don't have any figures to back up that belief either. ;)

    Well, I wish I had a program to back up such GPU CPU usage, but I do not, so whether you believe my point is up to you.

    I have NO idea as of how GCD affects GPU. The only thing that my mind connected the GDP to a GPU is when the GPU has an Open CL, Open CL is like GDP but not quite. GDP can be summarized as "GCD lifts the programmer from the burden of dealing with shared memory, threads, locks and semaphores which usually results in a great amount of pain." GCD does not direct GPU burden into the CPU. If it did, why doesnt Apple further continue on this technology? Wouldn't it be more efficient to Apple to develop this technology so far that GPUs are obsolete and instead of placing GPUs in a system, they could use extra battery? or extra RAM? GDP only takes advantage of multi core systems, but it certainly does not take the burden of GPU.
    If it does, I would honestly like to know, as knowledge is always good.

    Yea, I see the point where you are coming from. Neither of us know whether or not MBA owners have bought it for mild gaming or not, but hardcore gamers are certainly not in the radar of MBA buyers. But do not confuse hardcore gamers with games that tend to fall in the "hardcores." Almost all games could be run in MBA, of course few of them wont. But as of 90% of games, the 320M will. Again, do I have numbers to back it up? I certainly dont, but there was a chart somewhere that compared over 30 games with 320m and Intel 3000HD used in MBP 13", and the 13" could play less than the 320m ones. Why do I keep up bringing games as GPU comparisons? Because as my lack of knowledge shows, games are the ones that stress the most out of GPUs in my usage.


    extreme couponing. quot;Extreme Couponing profiles
  • quot;Extreme Couponing profiles

  • pellets007
    Jun 6, 09:32 AM
    Should have let the charge stand IMO, they agreed to the terms and conditons:rolleyes:
    If it had happened to you, I am sure that you would be singing a different tune.

    extreme couponing. extreme couponing binder
  • extreme couponing binder

  • vnle
    Jan 27, 04:15 PM
    Just an FYI, item shows sold out. Missed my window...

    I went back to newegg after getting one to do just that but, sadly, they were sold out :(

    EDIT: Rooskibar03 beat me to it:p Any idea if they'll have it back in stock before the 31st? There's 5 more days ... :o

    FYI, looks like they're back in stock :D I just brought another one. ;)


    extreme couponing. Extreme Couponing picture
  • Extreme Couponing picture

  • SeaFox
    Jul 10, 04:57 PM
    Dammit. I misread this article title as "Page 3 features" as in the Page 3 of Macrumors we had for April Fools.


    extreme couponing. Posted in // Extreme Couponing
  • Posted in // Extreme Couponing

  • ct2k7
    Apr 23, 07:13 PM
    Image (

    Shoot the messenger.

    What of the laughing staff??

    His commentary was laughing at the situation, I believe. It is also reported that they stole victim's personal items.


    extreme couponing. Extreme Couponing
  • Extreme Couponing

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 05:20 PM
    So wait, not to go off-topic, but let me get this straight: Josh quit Engadget to start another tech blog? FFS, like we don't have enough of those already.

    No, he and like 7 others left Engadget because they didn't like how (AOL, owner) were trying to make them push content on the website. They are forming a new site with SBNation that will launch this fall. You can tell who the real talent was, as Josh got the break on this story and Engadget did not.

    extreme couponing. EXTREME COUPONING follows

  • locust76
    May 3, 08:07 AM
    $100 says that in 2 months we will hear about screen flickering issues. :rolleyes:


    extreme couponing. Extreme Couponing premiere
  • Extreme Couponing premiere

  • Collected
    Apr 22, 05:41 PM
    There is no way it could be that thin.

    I'm sure people said the same before the air came out.

    extreme couponing. quot;Extreme Couponingquot;.
  • quot;Extreme Couponingquot;.

  • Aetherhole
    Mar 15, 08:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Nice! That gives me hope! I'll be at the spectrum in half an hour.


    extreme couponing. Extreme Couponing
  • Extreme Couponing

  • cocky jeremy
    Jan 27, 03:05 PM
    if you buy headphones for the style, you shouldn't be buying pairs that cost three digits.

    Wouldn't it be the opposite? If you buy them based on style, you'd have to spend more.

    extreme couponing. TLC Extreme Couponing
  • TLC Extreme Couponing

  • *LTD*
    Apr 13, 07:35 PM
    It doesn't really matter at this point. Black or white, it's the iPhone. It'll still sell out.


    extreme couponing. an Extreme Couponing 101
  • an Extreme Couponing 101

  • reflex
    Oct 24, 09:06 AM
    No where on the sites does it mention 64-bit capabilities, unless i'm missing it. Can 64-bit be safely assumed?


    extreme couponing. Extreme couponing: how to get
  • Extreme couponing: how to get

  • likemyorbs
    May 2, 01:11 AM
    From a moral standpoint, I can't be happy that he is dead. No one deserves to die. He should have spend the rest of his life in a prison cell

    NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN! He deserved to die.

    extreme couponing. extreme couponing
  • extreme couponing

  • parapup
    Apr 26, 12:15 PM
    Amazon is poised to pwn both Apple and Google on that one.

    If MobileMe is any indication, Apple just doesn't get cloud - if they plan on charging for it, Amazon is happy to take their business - they'll sell you plain mp3s for the boot!

    Android wins ( in any case!

    Thomas Veil
    Mar 8, 03:50 PM
    Roseanne's blonde daughter. The Munster's blonde daughter. Dr Elizabeth Weir in Stargate.I never watched those shows, so thanks for the information.

    I guess that does show it can be done without the world coming to an end.

    And now, back on the Charlie front, for those who are simply tired of it all...the Charlie Sheen blocker for Chrome and Firefox ( :D

    Apr 18, 12:31 AM
    Actually the reason for the battery drain is Apple updated the network baseband vocoder to the latest support UMTS/HSPA+ and better cell hand-offs in order to reduce dropped calls to an absolute minimum on GSM and similar on Verizon...

    You get a trade off, worse battery life (some of it has to do with the software though, drain the BATTERY ENTIRELY, and recharge it should get to 80%-90% now... ALSO DO A SETTINGS RESET BECAUSE your phone is running on OLD settings PREVIOUS to 4.3.2) but improved performance in everything else or crappy voice calls because your iPhone can't use the latest network capacity enhancements AT&T/*insert GSM carrier here*/Apple has made or Verizon/*insert CDMA carrier here*/Apple has made.

    Personally I like PERFECT VOICE QUALITY on GSM/CDMA.

    When I'm @ work I charge on the computer/USB port anyways... Or in the car...

    Is the reset you're referring to is in Settings - General -Reset - Reset all settings? Will it erase the sms/messages or email accounts setting?


    Apr 29, 07:35 AM
    10 pages on this? What is happening to this forum

    Jun 6, 09:51 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    You sound like a wonderful human being.

    Rodimus Prime
    Oct 3, 01:41 AM
    Do some research on what tall buildings do to cell towers/signal and the ability for your phone to handle constant hand-offs between thousands of towers. Trust me, sky scrapers make it impossible for Verizons, T-mobile, or any other carriers service to be much better than the rest. The other carriers are just better about hiding their shortcomings from the public.

    HORSE *****!

    No he is right. They all struggle with sky scrapers. Verizon happens to use a stronger signal than AT&T so it cuts threw building a little better but on top of that Verizon does not have to deal with towers being over loaded by iPhone users.
    Most of the drop calls happen during tower hand offs and if the tower you need to be handed off to is max out well your call gets dropped.

    Now if you want example of Verizon problems I was getting dropped calls all the time for months a few years ago with verizon and dump them for sprint.

    As for example of building problems on another carrier sprint I could give you a this strip on campus about 50'x50' that as soon as you walked into it your call would drop. Same area multiple sprint phones multiple calls. Just a random dead zone on campus for sprint. AT&T had at least one spot on campus that was almost the exact same way. Skyscrappers make it insane for all carriers to deal with and on top of that you have tons of tower hand offs.

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