Friday, June 24, 2011

johnny depp 2011 kids choice awards

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  • iStudentUK
    May 2, 03:43 AM

    Muslim tradition. They are clearly being careful to respect Islam itself, to minimise any backlash.

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  • extrafuzzyllama
    Sep 15, 09:52 PM
    i have four deskstars already for over a year and still going strong so i didnt want to all of a sudden change hdd brands if they have been good for me

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  • nefan65
    Apr 15, 02:00 PM
    976.6 MB wtf
    Apple: Learn from Google

    Learn from Google? What has Google developed that's anything close to an OS? And no, Chrome OS doesn't's a giant web browser, with Cloud Apps...

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  • kewlguy781
    Mar 15, 10:21 AM
    How do you know? I don't want to waste a trip.


    fyi- from salt lake city apple store, they didnt get any ipad today.


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  • NativeOSXboy
    Apr 22, 09:31 AM
    It's interesting how many people blast Apple. They completely retooled the smart phone/mobile phone platform.

    I really enjoy Apple products, and have since 1996. They always just work, sure the hardware at times can get dated between updates; but things still just work. Is Apple greedy? No they are like any company, they want to make a profit.

    But it is not Apple's fault that so many companies are playing catch-up. Those companies that are playing catch-up are the truly greedy ones. They thought they could continue to pass off mediocre products and consumers would continue to purchase them. They spent no money on design, r and d, and many other aspects that make a product great. So they let Apple simply slide into the market and grab up market share.'s no conspiracy, these companies just didn't keep their eye on the ball.

    Maybe some of the folks on here should be happy that Apple has become mainstream. Apple gave geeks everywhere the ability to have something in common to talk about with that hot chick at the coffee shop using an iPhone or Macbook. Sorry just trying to throw a positive in there.

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  • 100Teraflops
    Apr 5, 06:32 PM
    This my favorite lamp. It has been in my family for 30+ years. I have taken dozens of photos of this lamp. I used vignette to focus on the lamp and the colorful display on the wall.

    Specs: Canon 60d, iso 320, shutter speed 1/50, 0EV, 30mm, f/4, and lens EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS


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  • swarmster
    Apr 22, 04:32 PM
    I would potentially like the idea of a little gesture area around the home button. Makes more sense than taking over 4-figure gestures to do app switching. Just slide your finger left or right over the home button and change apps without having to click it.

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  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 8, 07:55 PM (


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  • JesterJJZ
    Jul 24, 11:13 PM
    Ehhh... A headphone jack would be nice. I don't want to have to buy new headphones just for my iPod...:mad:

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  • Ablatus
    Jul 26, 03:59 AM
    Well, I just had to wipe my hands to type this after eating my nachos, so i wouldn't mind not touching it, so I could still be eating....that being said..this is too weird...A bar rumor. I was out last weekend and a friend told me about a friend of his with an Apple powerbook prototype that he is testing that uses exactly that. It's a three dementional, no touching, control. I guess it works with sensors behind the screen and in between the keys on the keyboard. You can write in the air, move items, etc. I wish I can say it was first hand that I saw this, so you have to take it as it is...only a rumor...BUT it does fit into this thread.


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  • brepublican
    Jul 21, 11:26 AM
    If joe pc-user becomes joe mac-user, then macs wont be fun anymore :(

    That said, i'd like to see market share go up in certain areas. A lot more scientists are switching (mostly switching back, after ditching around late 90s) these days.

    It's hard to be an elitist mac user if you're no longer in the minority...
    I'm not too sure I agree with the reason you give though. My main concern is quality control. Even with the paltry share increase Apple has seen during the past year, quality control has become an issue. Would not like to see how much poorer with a 10% share thats all :rolleyes:

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 25, 03:42 AM

    Seriously, CORPORATE AMERICA has got to go.. I am for the overthrowing of the Corporate COMMUNIST regime and restoring America to a country for the people and by the people, and not for big business and or corporations.


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  • MacVibe
    Apr 13, 07:28 PM
    Right on schedule!

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  • robbieduncan
    Oct 24, 09:10 AM
    Finally, still confused as to why there is no 7200RPM drive option for the 15".

    I wanna order with a glossy screen but i'm scared i wont be able to return this if it has probless. Isnt glossy screen a BTO option?

    ANY change from the default spec is BTO (or CTO). The tech specs pages says:

    "15.4-inch (diagonal) TFT display, support for millions of colors; optional glossy widescreen display"

    Sounds like glossy is BTO to me.


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  • Wellander
    Jul 28, 05:26 PM
    Microsoft kills basically everything.
    They pretty much killed the netscape browser, they pretty killed other office suites, they are going to tery to kill the iPod now?
    What next after that?
    One thing they have'nt killed yet is the Mac OS operating system.
    Getting more and more upset at them.

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  • ChrisGonzales90
    Jun 6, 08:43 PM
    Sorry, Shaniqwa was the first name I could think of when I thought of 8 kids and irresponsible parenting. My apologies.

    Well there is always this woman


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  • Michael Scrip
    May 4, 04:25 AM
    Indeed - Apple make money from the sale of iphone hardware whereas Google will only take a percentage.

    However, Google's plan is to control OS's because they then make money from their App store and adverts

    Apple identified this last year and thus released the Ad-Sense scheme for devs to tempt them to use Apple's App Store over Googles.

    Even if Apple and Google both make money from ads and apps... Apple still gets $600 per phone.

    Apple has the right idea :D

    "Android" can have their marketshare... I don't think it bothers Apple in the least.

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  • mwayne85
    Apr 25, 12:10 PM
    I think dual core i7 or i5 is more likely for the base 21.5". It's great there will be newer machines. I won't be upgrading my 4-month-old base. Instead, I'd get a SSD, 128GB or 160GB would do fine for me. Waiting for the prices to fall down.

    There aren't any desktop Sandy Bridge dual-core i7s. The low-end will most likely be either dual-core i3 or i5, however there's only one dual-core i5, the rest of the i5s and i7s are all quads.

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 12:21 PM
    I don't think that enjoying the products is a bad thing at all. I think I provide a good analogy. I never head a non investing bragging about how much money the electric company makes or how happy they were that their health insurance company had a record year. I just find it strange.

    Those are companies people don't get attached to. Apple and other tech companies are a much more personal choice, generally. It probably also helps because those people are excited that Apple is making more money, allowing them to deliver more new and innovative products then would be possible with lower cash flow.

    EDIT: Also, it's not a good analogy. You are comparing two completely different types of companies and asking why people don't care about them on the same level.

    Think of it this way: why do people care so much about their favorite hockey team winning? Can't they just be happy that they're playing? Of course not, the goal is to win.

    Mar 15, 09:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Apparently South Coast Plaza is selling none today

    Still waiting here at Fashion Island - crossing fingers!

    I really hope they have them in stock for you, man, and you emerge victorious. I just wanna see someone win today... besides Charlie Sheen.

    Hahaha! Thanks man! Its a good day, no matter what!

    May 3, 07:44 AM
    UGH why can't there be a 128GB SSD+1TB 7200RPM, comon now.

    IJ Reilly
    Jan 31, 12:27 AM
    Apple stock is tanking because Apple stopped making tools (which people need) and started making fashion objects (which are the first to go in a recession.)

    Maybe if Apple would make some real computers at fair prices... instead of these toys...

    Where do you come up with this stuff? We demand less!

    Apr 16, 05:28 AM
    Grab yourself a copy of xdelta ( and do your fancy small update package yourself. There's even no need to look at Google, this was common practice on Gentoo GNU/Linux years ago ( I remember running a satellite server myself. However, that were ISDN/Analog/DSL 765k days, who on 16MBit cares whether the updates are 30 or 300MB anymore, as long as Apple hosts the files?

    Nov 25, 10:10 PM
    I lost a bigadv unit too. I think they will credit it back but it will take time.

    i hope they do. we'll see.

    in the meantime, i'm thinking about putting a few video cards in my 2006 mac pro to fold with - since it's only getting like 3500 ppd running the smp client. i know i'll have to run windows to do the GPU2 client for now, but it might be worth it.

    does anyone know if this ( card will work? and could i put 2 or 3 or 4 in there?

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