Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • YoNeX
    Nov 3, 01:21 PM
    A lot of the features are missing right now, the preference window only has 2 checkboxes. Just ran into a really nasty bug right now, still buggy.

    There are no settings for VRam, seperate parition/drive, or even shared folders. This is defitantely not like the PC version (right now). But since its beta, more features will probably be added soon.

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 12, 10:28 AM
    What a bunch on whining individuals you are.

    "this belongs on page 2"

    "enough of this, page 2"

    Yeah, yeah, all we know now is that it's becoming increasingly clear that the next generation iPhone is scheduled for a September release, end of story

    stop whining geez :rolleyes:

    Why? It's good feedback for the owner of this site.

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  • Minimoose 360
    Apr 24, 03:13 PM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:

    She can bash my handset any day ;)

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  • mingspace
    Oct 24, 08:45 AM
    I apologize for the big letters. I'm a mac newb and this will be my first mac. I have been waiting for this new macbook to buy and whats funny is that I walked into the Mac Store yesterday, the guy new everything about the product but seemed a little too clueless about the product cycle. He was like.. "uh, could be next February but no one ever knows". I asked how releases are typically handled for macs. He replies "I'm not really sure. It's anyone's guess". So I knew he was trying to avoid talking about it.


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  • oldwatery
    Oct 18, 05:44 PM
    so what will we see in 2007?

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  • idorun
    Mar 16, 10:21 AM
    did the employee @ fashion island say anything about what they have??


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  • Alexjungle
    Apr 27, 04:45 PM
    Ugh! I bought my imac in 2007 and now I'm kicking myself for not waiting till next week.

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  • kernkraft
    Oct 28, 05:27 PM
    I'm a BMW fan and have thought about restoring an E30 or picking up an E36 M3. I personally would never buy a Countryman but the Cooper S and JCW appeals to me. I understand that this car may not appeal to some people but I personally dig it. It's very peppy and has soul. It does something for me and it's what matters. I've looked at a new BMW 335i...RWD...twin turbo. On paper it has everything a car guy would like but meh...too generic for me.

    I actually love those E30s, that is why I wouldn't have an issue driving any example. At least I'd be driving a decent car or something that was when new.

    I had all sorts of cars over the years, almost exclusively German premium ones but my biggest regret is not to get a 318is when I had the chance. I went for a practical E46 Touring (third in a row) and later I bought a 1983 SL280. That was a more special car but I still have a lot of admiration for those small BMW sport coupes. That is why actually, that I have high hopes about the 1 series coupes. The history is there, you can see the DNA, that's what BMW is very good at.


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  • seanpholman
    Mar 15, 06:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Well I got to see Mystikal and Hasan Daddy get theirs after my failed attempt at Irvine spectrum. I was the Asian guy with the buzz cut hair. Unfortunately I got to Fashion Island to late. Congrats to you two!

    Were you the guy I was talking to at the end of the FI line that was about to have a smoke?

    Anyone going back tomorrow? I think I am done chasing these things for a while, but who knows. Went to South Coast before lunch for ***** and giggles and was told there would be no more iPads today. Period.

    The guy told me that they never opened South Coast early. I told him that his counterpart told me yesterday to go to South Coast early. And he said, that they are normally open then, just for one-on-one and not any retail sales. And if they did get a shipment, they would sell them before they "opened". Wait, what?

    I just walked away confused and in disgust.

    I am just trying to give Apple my money, sheesh.


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  • sciwizam
    Apr 23, 04:17 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Seriously? An apple rumors forum is no place fo a shareholder? That's absurd.

    "As you can see 260K people bought HTC Thunderbolt since Verizon started selling them (about a month). This translates to about 3 million phones annually. Clearly the demand is there. Also, you keep forgetting that other phones have swappable batteries."

    If you want to play numbers, the iPhone on Verizon (same carrier as thunderbolt) sold 2.2 million in two months, compared to a quarter million in one month for tbolt. Saying that equals 3million annually 1) makes it compete better with the iPhone over two months on a single carrier and 2) assumes that the numbers remain constant. Being that people are figuring out that the battery life is dreadful (and you forget that the majority of the market doesn't want to swap batteries like it's 1999) and that android phones have a short cycle of being the hottest new thing, I don't think there's a basis to assume consistent sales in line with their opening month. Numbers can say anything when there's no common sense behind it.

    Correction: 260000 HTC Thunderbolts in 2 weeks.


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  • Dubthedankest
    Mar 15, 11:00 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Looks like the show is over in Fashion Island folks

    The four of us up front have vouchers - no more shipments today - no other iPads today :(

    Glad you snagged one. So they only received a shipment of 5 iPads?

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  • lawrencewinkler
    Oct 23, 06:40 PM
    Regardless if you believe that you can install Vista Home under VMWare or Parallels, the real legal problem is MS has put VMWare and Parallels under legal notice that they may not write their software to allow the operation of Vista Home under their products, else they will be sued for contributory infringement.

    So, technical theory aside, if MS has the legal right to restrict such behavior, there will be no way VMWare or Parallels will produce such software, otherwise MS will sue them out of existence.


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  • MattInOz
    Jul 12, 12:30 AM

    If Apple dumped FireWire IEEE1394 for the sake of slimness, it is highly doubtful that they'd re-clutter and fatten it up with Bluetooth (which, after trying for many years (with other devices) I have now considered to be worthless crap). Really - unless one can charge with built-in solar panels (as Citizen ( with their watches), wireless is a non-issue.

    The current iPod has panache. It is "sessy". Neither word describes MS at all...and it is because of this that the Argo will have a tough time of it.

    As others have said earlier in this issue, the good that will come out of all of this is that Apple will provide us with a better iPod.

    Don't Intel have that new low power low range network chip that does Wi-fi, wireless firewire, wireless usb but only about 10m range they are pushing for home entertainment equipment. Get that build into the iPods (full size to start) and you have wireless that might be worth considering.

    Then replace the dock connector with a magsafe power connector. to make charging a snap. sure you still need to get the battery life up a bit on current. It's starting to look like an interesting revision.

    Yep MS have cash and exposure in other products to be a big threat to Apples iPod cashflow. Although Apple have the momentum, the options and range to keep themselves as first choice.

    Hey I always wonder why Apple don't release iTunes for Playstation, or Nintendo.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 29, 07:56 PM
    That's your choice man and I respect it, we all have our own ways.

    Sorry, I'm actually being sarcastic, but you will find a lot of users here who behave just as I have described. You'd think that they sat on the board of directors. I agree with you, competition is good and it is good to be open minded and not have blind loyalty to one company. But the majority here will disagree with that.


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  • Moyank24
    Apr 25, 08:33 PM
    After this post, I can�t even think straight.

    Me neither. ;)

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 12:30 PM
    If there is one thing Amazon doesn't need to worry about - it's the lawyers, they got plenty of them!

    Plus, even if they charge a bit more to recoup the costs - they have huge advantage in that a) they are already there and b) they aren't cloud n00bs with one freshly baked data center close only to the US :)

    And who said anything about Apple devices? Apparently, not many people are concerned ( about that one :p

    every cheap phone you get on your carrier has android installed. it's not really a fair comparison when all the cheap phones that people get free already include that OS. it's not really preferred....


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  • trainguy77
    Oct 2, 06:00 PM
    I recently rejoined. I haven't folded for a very long time but my mac pro is folding again during the days. We need to get this team going again. :D

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 26, 07:24 AM
    i sometimes miss my imac. sold it in favor of mid 2010 15 mbp.

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  • tjsdaname
    Dec 3, 03:37 PM
    here is my wish list:

    May 3, 07:49 AM
    Nice refresh, and the prices are very nice also!
    Not that I really care about iMac but now we look at the MBA and MB refresh!

    Mar 15, 08:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Fashion Island - around 7 people in line or so?

    Jun 6, 09:53 AM
    That's what mommy gets for letting the Cheerios run out

    LOL I like this explanation the best :)

    Sep 30, 11:43 PM
    Having worked very closely with the head engineers of AT&T, I do feel sorry for them. As someone stated earlier, that are spending billions to upgrade the network, but all that money will only meet current demand in some areas. The iPhone is such an incredible success that AT&T never had a chance. The same would be said about Verizon had they got the exclusive contract. If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.

    actually, you are 100% wrong, if you read your history, you would know that apple did everything in there power to get it on as many carriers as possible for this exact reason. and the only company that would take the phone and give 100% control of the operating system was AT&T, and that was under the circumstances of a exclusive contract. And apple did the correct thing, because can you imagine what a iPhone would be if it was tightly controlled by the carrier? i can. its called a LG dare. and every other ****** touch screen phone out there.

    Apple had the correct idea, split the load onto as many carriers as possible. but that couldn't happen, because the carriers are bitched greedy bastards, all of them, AT&T being the least bad of all of them, letting apple have control in the first place.

    And as for making a CDMA version, thats pure stupid. because thats a dead technology that very few companies use, and only in one country. everywhere else, they use HSDPA, example europe, where the iPhone is available on many carriers, all using HSDPA standard, and there having 0 problems.

    So no, Apple is not to blame, they did everything in there power to make it as perfect as possible, and they did. AT&T is to blame, for being greedy and only wanting this phone on there network only.

    Jul 25, 09:21 AM
    Just went to the store online and they are out.. Whos gonna pick one up?

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