Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 21, 11:27 PM :D

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  • JAT
    Apr 30, 10:57 AM
    add to that AAC is not exactly a free. It has licencing cost to it. Mp3 is complete free and open.

    Yes, and that matters to

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  • digitalbiker
    Jul 11, 01:39 AM
    Photoshop Elements 4.0 is a capable replacement for Photoshop CS2 for a lot of people, even professionals. It depends on what you're doing with it.

    Your sort of re-iterrating what I was saying. iWork is to Office as Elements is to CS2. For some people it is good enough, it is the 70% functionality that most consumers use. But saying it is better, or that it replaces the pro app is just wrong.

    Pages 2 is a useful release but it's not final. To discount it or iWork totally is not reasonable.

    I never discounted anything. If you read my post again you will see that I said Pages V1 was a lame duck app. Version 2 is a nice little product as is the $79 iWork package. But Pages is not a professional replacement of Word and iWork is not a professional replacement of Office. It is not intended to be that way. iWork is a consumer oriented package and is trying to be on par with say "AppleWorks" or "MS Works"

    I realize that some people will be more content with a consumer version and will recommend it as a replacement. But that still doesn't give it the same functionality of the Professional app.

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  • Cloudane
    Jan 30, 05:50 PM
    You can trade online from an e-commerce firm, such as this one--

    Thanks, will take a look :)


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  • IndyGopher
    Apr 14, 10:42 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

    I see that name, and I think of Dune, not HHGG. Ix is the planet where all the cool machines & gadgets are made.

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  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 4, 06:32 PM
    It would be nice if his family would round him up and get him some help before something truly terrible happens.Didn't Charlie say that he's not listening to his dad? That would imply that Martin is trying to clue him in. But as any cop will tell ya, he's an adult and unless he's a clear and present danger to others....

    ...Chris was not my favorite person. He was extremely rude and abusive when he was using. In that short time he was clean before he died, he tried to be really nice to me, but I wasn't having it and was rather curt. Looking back, I don't think I should have done that. I think he was maybe really trying, but I was not close enough to him to know and he had pissed me off enough at that point that I doubted his sincerity.You have many good qualities, lee, and you just showed us another one: a capacity for introspection; for looking back, recognizing and admitting that you might've made an all-too-human mistake.

    A lot of us would probably have done the same thing, were we in your shoes. I take a looooooong time to let people who've wronged me back into my life.


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  • al256
    Jun 6, 08:23 AM
    Where's the personal responsibility/Apple shouldn't do things for their customer comments? I thought that was all the rage now a days...

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  • stunna
    Jul 25, 04:35 PM
    "Readers should realize that while Apple continues to publish patents on technologies that never make it into shipping products, the concepts described in this patent were referenced by Hon Hai chairman Terry Gou in June 2006:"

    What other patents does apple have in which they didn't make the product?


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  • rdlink
    Apr 22, 08:59 PM
    So what?

    No one will deny the success Apple has, yet its not good enough for this greedy CEO and company.

    They are just out of control. Pure unadulterated gluttony.

    Dude, you're just all over the place here. Your unmitigated hatred for a company has you flipping back and forth, and arguing against those who agree with you.

    First of all, I think it's hilarious in and of itself that earlier in this forum you went on about how you'd rather be seen with your Galaxy S in public, because you don't want anyone to think you're a douche. Screw what other people think. If you care what others think you're just as bad as them.

    But even funnier, you then come back in a later post and say that your self image is not tied to your phone. Seems completely contradictory to me. On the one hand, your are embarrassed to be seen with your iPhone. On the other, your self image is not affected by your phone. Hmmm.

    Another interesting tidbit. On an earlier post you mention "this town" as NYC. Then later in another post you talk about "here" in LA and Orange County. I know you're located in the "Western Hemisphere", but you sure get around.

    You're outed. You're a troll.

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  • mcmlxix
    Apr 13, 02:40 PM
    Only slightly off topic�

    Without using iTunes & ATV, does anyone know of a product where you can wirelessly stream the media contents of any shared volume to the TV? I would imagine such a product would need a PC/Mac side client as well as a TV attached gizmo�like iTunes & ATV. I have both anyway, but I was wondering of different options.


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  • Dunepilot
    Jul 28, 09:24 AM
    [QUOTE=rekahs]surely if you look at it that way the ipod is in the position the 360 is in and the zune is like the wii.


    Except that the wii is being marketed on the basis that it will bring something innovative to the table. If there's one thing Microsoft doesn't understand, its innovation/ease of use/elegance.

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  • iMpathetic
    Nov 1, 02:46 PM
    I'd like some speakers/subs for the Lincoln and possibly a new exhaust too. :D


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  • nick004
    Oct 24, 07:42 AM
    anyone got benchmarks??? :)

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  • 0815
    Apr 14, 07:18 AM
    Why on earth would this happen? Why would they edit it to include the ix.Mac.MarketingName? I don't understand. Is there any logical explanation? I don't think it is a typo because I don't think Apple is stupid enough to edit it just in order to put a typo in. Weird.

    Its humans at work - probably a human clicked a wrong button that added this thing with some placeholder name ... most likely means nothing or if anything than updated appleTV to run apps.

    Universal MacOS/iOS apps just don't make sense (controlling the apps is just too different) and a apple branded TV makes no sense (appleTV does the trick for this and that way you don't have to buy an expensive TV to get the latest hardware - you just add it to the TV of your choice)


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  • admyrick
    Sep 12, 08:55 PM
    Got this shirt this morning...

    Where did you get this from?

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  • Waybo
    Apr 4, 03:02 PM
    ISO 200, 92mm, 0 ev, f/6.3, 1/640


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  • Chris Blount
    May 3, 07:52 AM
    Still only 500GB hard drive on the low end. Ug! Hasn't apple realized it's 2011 and 1TB should now be the minimum?

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  • dsnort
    Jul 30, 08:53 PM
    Well go and tell that to Dell and their massive market share and we'll see if they take you seriously and change their marketing strategy.
    Dell is already changing their market strategy. The whole idea behind their XPS line is that they want to get out of the "Walmart Mentality" approach to marketing. They find it hard on the margins. And wouldn't that more accurately be described as Dells "massive, shrinking, market share"?

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  • DeaconGraves
    May 3, 08:20 AM
    Just put my order in. i7, 2GB Video Card, 2TB drive with SSD boot (upgrading RAM later). It's going to be a long 6 week wait...

    Oct 23, 12:30 PM
    wait... people actually read the license agreement ;)
    I have a feeling apple will include some type of virtualization software that doesn't require windows at all... (just a gut feeling)

    Apr 13, 02:00 PM
    Will it support Flash???? :p

    Sep 13, 08:19 PM
    Linkin Park A Thousand Suns

    Only one song kicks ass and it's called "Wretches And kings" It's going to be a hit in da clubs. I said it first! :D

    Do you ever leave your basement? How will you know if it is a hit? :p

    Apr 20, 09:17 AM
    Hd3000 is integrated and there is no room on the board to put a discreet gpu nor does the MBA need the heat and also would require more power to be consumed

    Your also missing the point of the MBA. It's not meant to be a power house

    Sorry if i may have missed some info here

    but does Apple say that they would not put an integrated GPU for the remaining of their Sandy Bridge line?

    which means, as long as they use SB processor, it will be using the HD3000?

    because if you guys hate the graphics downgrade, i am sure this is just a marketing strategy, and you can hope to see the next gen after this one to include integrated GPU, hopefully

    i am also having a dilemma here on whether to pull my trigger on the current ultimate 13 or the SB, even if i dont play games on laptop anymore ( well the only game i still play on my MBP is EvE ), but i am a greedy bastard after all :p

    ==== edit ====

    sorry just done some research, looks like you cant put any dedicated into SB after all.. what a shame

    Oct 29, 12:32 PM
    guess what came into work yesterday (

    dang. will you be folding with it?

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