Friday, June 24, 2011

spiderman 3 cast

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  • tablo13
    Apr 22, 04:16 PM
    Uhh no. Rounded off edges are a big no-no.

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  • macrumormonger
    Apr 12, 12:09 AM
    Currently on ebay as I'm about to part with it. :( What a beautiful lens.

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.02 sec (1/50)
    Aperture f/4.0
    Focal Length 27 mm
    ISO Speed 2000

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  • AnyKey
    Oct 23, 02:39 PM
    I don't see the difference between Windows XPee and Windows RG. :confused: ;) :D

    hehe, exactly :cool:

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  • BRLawyer
    Dec 2, 10:37 AM
    Up to the point, RacerX...I am tired of these "security warnings" that carry little more than vaporware and a thirst for publicity and hacker-like "fame"...

    If a kernel panic is a "serious issue", think again...and go Vista...and please, no market share arguments anymore...we have probably more than 50 million Apple users out there...I am sure a few hackers are still trying hard to make a virus in the wild for them.


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  • appleguy123
    Apr 29, 01:34 PM
    Thanks. The waiting sucks.

    I’m amazed how well AppleGuy was able to pick the two WW’s.

    :D being a god so often has its advantages, beside humilating Moyank.
    It's actually kind of weird, I'm a terrible judge of character in real life, but I'm pretty good at telling when people are hiding something online. Maybe if mscriv were here he could tell me why. For a fee.

    I hope your other scan goes well. :)

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  • grahamnp
    May 3, 08:56 AM
    Not really sure why Apple can't bring themselves to put an i7 by default in a $2,000 machine. That's kind of ridiculous.

    It annoys me too but it works out pretty well for Apple and I'd much rather pay extra for the i7 than not have the option at all. Look at the latest MBPs compared to the previous ones, Apple bumped the GPUs up significantly but charged $200 more and yet everyone is happy.


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  • beany boy
    Apr 14, 07:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    4.3.2 feels smoother to me. Take that with as many grains of sand as you like.

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  • RWinOR
    May 3, 07:59 AM
    Looks like an IMac upgrade in our future.


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  • Megakazbek
    Apr 13, 06:36 AM
    Waiting for you to change the tone when Apple comes out with widgets and custom personalization.
    You sound like I am against it.

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  • arn
    Apr 28, 06:50 PM
    Better comparison picture

    As mentioned, difference is 0.2mm.


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  • bbplayer5
    Apr 22, 09:49 AM
    That's completely fine with me. LTE speeds aren't really LTE speeds anyway. Even Verizon which does have the fastest LTE falls short of at least 50% of the actual LTE speeds. It's all false advertising anyway :)

    I dont know of any wireless phone that could support real 4G speeds. Besides on a mobile device, do I really need more than 20mb down, 5 up? Thats already faster than my cable modem lol.

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  • ChazUK
    May 1, 05:34 AM
    And the differences between iPad / iPod / iPhone are orders of magnitude less than the differences between the ultra-high and ultra-low ends of what is being counted as Android "phones".

    You do realize that there are a set of minimum requirements that an Android phone must adhere to to be granted access to Android Market?

    I don't know how long you have been into Smartphones but smartphone marketshare has always been calculated this way, even in the old days of Symbian and Windows Mobile which also ran on non smart phone PDA's.PDA's were excluded from smart phone market share despite running the same OS.

    "Smartphone OS" market share has been around before Android and iOS even existed as a platform and isnt some tool to belittle Apple's perceived performance in any way. Its just a metric in a sea of metrics that count things to different cirteria.


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  • SeanZy
    Mar 12, 01:49 AM
    Too bad to hear about the brea store. Before I left to go to best buy i told the end of the line that there was no one in line at the Fullerton best buy.

    No one believed me apparently because only a couple came. Showed up at 12:30, was 4th in line and walked out with a 16 GB white by 5:15. Everyone else who came from the mall got theirs as well

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  • puckhead193
    Apr 14, 12:22 PM
    wait i'm confused is this for iphone or iPad or both? :confused:


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  • random47
    Nov 28, 11:19 AM
    8GB ram for my macbook pro.

    Is really all i need.

    maybe i should get 100 usd for charity.

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  • ericinboston
    Apr 11, 02:23 PM
    Not sure if I would consider "AJA, BlackMagic, and Promise" to be "industry demand." :) I'll give ya Promise.

    I would think having names like Western Digital, Sony, HP, Maxtor, Iomega, and Seagate a lot more proof that TB is being adopted. USB 3.0 has been gaining momentum by leaps and bounds over the past year.

    I have a feeling TB is going to be the next Firewire: sure, it works, but USB is so much more dominant at basically the same speeds. But I don't really care at the end of the day...just something much much faster than USB 2.0 for my hundreds of gigs of data that I copy/move around a bit.

    And yes, for the true true true speed fans that need the best of the best of the best in their profession...sure, buy what you need.


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  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 13, 10:32 PM
    If you ain't white, you ain't right!

    Seriously, why bother?

    Stop playing the 'race card'!


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  • Mystikal
    Mar 17, 12:29 AM
    Any idea where the best place for a black 16 wifi would be? I think that's all I really need, no 3g and i'll only have apps, maybe a movie here or there when traveling, no? Brea is the closest to me but it sounds like a battlefield, i'd prefer a Best Buy since I have giftcards but my recent time spent there makes me feel like i'd rather spend the money in gift cards to not have to go there again.

    Or just do what I did. Buy one of whatever they have, and trade for the 16 WiFi and cash.

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  • AdrianK
    Apr 22, 05:00 PM
    Right, so with the bigger screen size, Apple has either:

    1) Dropped retina-display.
    2) Decided on a new resolution that developers will have to adhere to, given that DVGA (double VGA) has been in use for a year and HVGA was in use for 4 years (3 exclusively).

    Yeah, I'm not buying in to either

    EDIT: I did not read the OP, I'm a moron. Still, bigger display, same res? Pretty lame... Apple just didn't 'future proof' when they chose DVGA.

    May 3, 11:28 PM
    Safe to say at this point we will have to wait. Man, I had that upgrade waiting. But then again, what's another three months to wait from the usual release date?

    Sep 15, 07:49 PM
    I gave in ... :(

    iPad 16GB Wifi Only
    iPad Keyboard
    Incase iPad Travel Pack

    Oct 24, 07:51 AM
    Don't forget, the 15" now has a dual-layer DVD burner too! God, I remember all the moaning about that not being in there when it debuted.

    Apr 21, 11:33 PM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    Samsung is a parts manufacturer, not designer, for some of Apple's components. Apple has also been moving to another manufacturer, many of them in fact, over the past few months...also, you've got this backwards, Apple is Samsung's biggest customer.

    Nov 3, 10:15 AM (

    VMWare sent ( an email out for a private beta testing of Fusion, their upcoming virtualization product for Mac OS X.

    Dear Beta Customer,

    We are pleased to announce Fusion Friends and Family release. Fusion is the code name for the new VMware desktop product for Mac. You are part of a select group of users with the opportunity to experience this new and exciting product first hand.

    TUAW posts ( details from the private beta site. Notable features listed include:

    � Ability to create and run a wide variety of x86 operating systems on OS X without rebooting.
    � Access physical devices from the virtual machine. You can access physical devices such as CD ROM drives, video cameras, iPods, printers and high-speed disks from the virtual machine.
    � Leverage Virtual SMP capabilities to gain additional performance improvement. You can assign more than a single CPU (on supported hardware with Intel Core Duo CPU) to gain additional performance for CPU-intensive workloads.
    � Run over 300 virtual appliances: You can download any of the over 300 virtual appliances - preinstalled and preconfigured applications packaged with an operating system in a virtual machine - available from VMware's Technology Network. Setting up a wiki or blog server has never been easier.
    Fusion supports all Intel Mac hardware, including the new 64-bit Mac Pro and iMac.

    A screenshot of the beta VMWare Fusion application can be seen here ( A beta signup form ( appears available, but the response is not immediate.

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