Friday, June 24, 2011

leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. artist DiCaprio is THE MAN.
  • artist DiCaprio is THE MAN.

  • gregdeeg
    Apr 13, 08:23 PM
    I am a VZW customer who has been waiting for the iPhone 5 but my Droid original is about to die. I'm getting the white Iphone the minute it comes out with news of the latest IPhone 5 delay and because everyone has black. I can't wait anymore and will just sell the 4 on ebay for $400+ and buy the 5 outright (3GS still go for 300+ on ebay used). Plus I will lock into unlimited data for future LTE :)

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic hair
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

  • Hunabku
    Apr 22, 07:03 PM
    Not sure if anyone said this earlier but what about a liquid metal enclosure. That ought to keep dents and scratches away and allow for a thinner design.

    Edit: If it is gonna be Liquid Metal then this might be the iPhone 6 not the iPhone 5. Then in a similar way Joshua Topolsky was wrong about the iPad 2 with retina - he was getting rumors for a device that is further down the pike.

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic

  • Gosh
    Oct 23, 03:23 PM
    I have a legit version of XP running in Parallels whilst I make the compete switch and then - why the hell would I but Vista anyway?

    Ow yeah for the gadgets - of course - silly me!:rolleyes:

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic

  • reallynotnick
    Apr 23, 09:42 PM
    YES! I would love a iPhone on Sprint's everything plan. I know several people with Sprint smart phones and the service they provide is great for only $70! Choice is a good thing for the customer and if the iPhone 5 does have a global chipset, then wider availability would be the best way to go.

    Exactly, I had to give up my iPhone 2G for an EVO because Sprint was so much cheaper and while I love my EVO I would love an iPhone more. I just hope the rumors of possibly a bigger screen come true because going from a 4.3in screen to a 3.5in screen would be kind of hard is the only thing. 3.7-4in would be nice but I digress.


    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Leonardo DiCaprio

  • farmboy
    Apr 14, 09:22 AM
    Guys, which one should I get?

    I've been trying to score an iPad2 and now here comes the new ix.Mac.MarketingName, which sounds awesome! So between this and iPad2, ATV2, Air, MBP, iPhone, Mac Pro, Nano and iMac, what should I get?

    Mostly I would use this for web surfing and light photo editing, but it also needs to dry laundry and serve as daily transportation for my 8 mile commute. But, I'm worried the new ix.Mac.MarketingName requires Z-rated tires, which are quite expensive. I'm also curious whether, with the right apps, the ix.Mac.MarketingName can serve as a prophylactic or if it's better to have a dedicated device for that.

    So, whaddya think? What other ix.Mac.MarketingName rumors have you heard? :apple:

    Why would you want one? Apple is once again using outdated tech for ix.MMN�. The specs on everything else are so much better. And I'm so tired of the ix.MMN Closed Garden.

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic hair
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

    Jul 10, 02:47 PM
    As someone who uses MS word as the default word processor... a 'word processing' mode in Pages sounds dandy... some of use just don't have the time or inclination (energy) to learn pages which is so very different (not worse) than word....


    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. Leonardo DiCaprio#39;s advice to
  • Leonardo DiCaprio#39;s advice to

  • doctor-don
    Jun 7, 09:36 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    Kids hating kids. Imagine!

    ChrisGonzales90: You've ruined my week with that image!

    Apple should have safeguards in place to ensure apps are not downloaded without a password when the cost exceeds $20. I even contest the addition of 1� to a bill when it was not part of the contract.

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic pics
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic pics

  • RichP
    Oct 24, 07:53 AM
    Just as I said and expected, only minor changes. I think its great Apple is giving 2GB of memory in standard configs, that is hopefully a sign of things to come in the pro line overall.


    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. Leonardo DiCaprio on Rolling
  • Leonardo DiCaprio on Rolling

  • Evangelion
    Jul 25, 10:57 AM
    And you're really going to use all that are you?

    What if he is?

    With the exception of RAM and hard disks, most computer consumers never expand their computers.

    And most computer-users use Windows, so maybe we should all switch to Windows? Point is that there ARE lots of people who like to expand their systems. To them, iMac is completely unsuitable, and PowerMac is simply too much (too much space, too much technology, too much money, you name it). There have been LOTS of people saying that they would love to see a relatively inexpensive Mac that is expandable. iMac is not that. Neither is PowerMac.

    What happens if the screen in the iMac breaks down? The whole computer becomes useless. What if you need faster vid-card? you have to buy a new computer. All-in-one has it's benefits, but it has it's drawbacks, and there are lots of people who do not want those drawbacks. Yes, minitower (for example) has it's drawbacks as well, but there are lots of people who would be willing to accept those drawback for the benefits such a system offers.

    I'm a pretty average computer user at home and with the exception of my camera, iPod and printer, I have no external devices.

    Well good for you. How that helps ME is beyond me.

    Although I will be purchasing an external firewire drive at some point, I'd much rather have a small squarish metallic box on display behind my iMac than lose an extra three square feet of floor space due to needing a bigger desk.

    Are we using somekind of miniature-desks or something? I have a rather typical desk, and it currently has a Mac Mini, a TFT-screen, old, huge printer that does not work, and it still has plenty of space for mouse, keyboard and other items. And that "small metallic box" means that your iMac loses that all-in-one elegance it now has.

    Perhaps when you factor in the cost, the lost square footage of the room your computer is in should be taken into account.

    Some of us would be willing to accept that. A minitower would consume about as much desk-space as two Mac Mini's. That's more than reasonable IMO.

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 29, 03:03 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.
    I wouldn't be surprised if it was a loss leader nor would I be surprised if different retailers had different costs associated with the products they sell. The local gas station, Wal-mart, and Costco typically don't pay the same price for the products they sell and I don't see why the online retail game would be any different.



    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic

  • BoyBach
    Jul 21, 04:07 PM

    One question, what is he doing to that rabbit? :eek:

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic hair
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

  • motulist
    Aug 16, 04:35 AM
    I think I like the brushed metal look much better. :(

    My opinion of brushed metal is that it's a very good theme and has big a cool factor, but the clean lines and clarity of the new theme has already won me over. It's not perfect, there are things I'd change, but I think it's a nice step up.

    In fact, it reminds me of a super evolved version of OS 9's platinum look, which I really liked.
    For those too young in Mac world to remember OS 9's platinum theme, you can see some here in the paragraph titled "Platinum vs. Aqua Interface Pictures" but bear in mind that this interface is VERY old at this point, so you to have think of it in context and not compare it to an interface from 2006.

    But why are OS X's UI designers so averse to putting in a line that demarks where the title bar stops and the window body begins?


    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic hair
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

  • tipdrill407
    Jul 24, 03:57 PM
    I think this BT MM will replace the Apple BT mouse currently available. Apple is already offering the MM with all mac desktops except the mini. And to me i think it's very annoying to be stuck with one button when using a desktop so it only makes sense to get rid of the one button BT mouse.

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Leonardo DiCaprio

  • rhett7660
    Feb 25, 11:31 AM
    They show will be on as long as the ratings are up. Maybe Sheen gets killed off when he crashes his car next season and then their long lost brother enters.

    Ha.... I mean he does have experience sending cars off a cliff!!!


    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic hair
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

  • Moyank24
    Apr 20, 04:25 PM
    Well this has been slow going...where are all the rest of the usual suspects? No Jav? Or Ravenvii?

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic

  • rovex
    Apr 27, 01:52 PM
    Yes it was, as you were claiming to "know" that it was faked. Claiming that was offensive in the very least.

    it's an observation, whether you like it or not. But anyway, my post didn't revolve around that point, you just blew out of proportion. Claiming i'm "bored" in your little rant is comical.


    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic hair
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

  • WeegieMac
    Apr 14, 03:35 PM
    You're not alone. This happens for me too, including with this update. Even after a reboot. It didn't do it with any of the 4.0.x releases either. It started with 4.2 I think. Tap an app icon, freezes for a second, then the app appears with no animation. Or a very choppy animation.

    I've tried both rebooting and restoring (as a new phone). I had less than a gigabyte free so I tried freeing up some space thinking that might help and even with ~2GB free it still does it.

    4.2 was fine for me with regards to UI animations. It was on 4.3 that it all started.

    UI navigation is definitely, for me, vastly improved over .1 in .2, but still the third party app "bug" exists.

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. leonardo dicaprio titanic hair
  • leonardo dicaprio titanic hair

  • SandynJosh
    Jun 6, 05:28 PM
    It didn't take my 10 year old son long to figure out that he could continue to download apps after asking me to download one for him. Now, if he wants a free app, I wait for it to finish downloading and then i log out of my account before i hand his touch back to him! :mad:

    OMG! You have a budding lawyer on your hands!

    leonardo dicaprio titanic hair. LEONARDO DICAPRIO TITANIC HAIR

  • Whorehay
    Sep 30, 03:35 AM
    Manhattan has some crappy, crappy AT&T service. It's not even "coverage" that's the issue. 5 bars of 3G (whether I'm using a BlackBerry or iPhone)-- it just doesn't want to work. The iPhone needs some sort of compression or else it'll just bring the entire network down.

    Apr 26, 09:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I would have thought they would have a 24 / 24.5 inch screen. If only to make it match the 13/15/17 screen sizes of the MBP.

    Mar 31, 02:57 PM
    I am not too keen on this "cartoony" 3D effect Apple seem to be going for.

    Torn off pages� faux-leather binding� I mean doesn't anyone else think it is a bit corny?
    It really does seems as if the cutesyeness of the iOS is spreading over to OSX.

    I'd prefer a clean modern OS with usability first and foremost.

    Screw the gratuitous eyecandy�

    Remind anyone of OS/2 and their cheesy waste-of-screen-realestate spiral binder stuff?

    As a theming option, sure, cool, welcome to last decade Apple. If they're going to force these silly looks randomly per app, booo! But the Mac apps looking like iOS apps is inevitable.. in a few years they will probably all be 1 in the same.

    Nov 4, 04:31 PM
    I can't seem to get the VMWare Tools to install after the "Guest" OS has loaded. I select "Install VMWare Tools" from the Menubar but nothing happens.
    Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?

    Lord Bodak
    Apr 14, 07:54 AM
    Second, if there was a new device or iOS>OSX functionality on the way, updating the App store to show compatibility would have been one of the very last stages before (or even after) launch. As we've had NO indication or rumours of either of these things being forthcoming, I really can't imagine a major launch by Apple within the next few days.

    I'm going to speculate here. Lion is the eighth release of OS X. Perhaps the ninth release will support touchscreens and iOS apps.

    I envision something like the Macbook Air with a touchscreen and reversible hinge (like the early 2000s Windows tablets, but a much cleaner design) that could run OS X and iOS apps. The Air is already not much bigger than an iPad.

    Now, if Apple is internally working on something like this, and wanted to test existing apps from the store, then the alpha OS would need to be supported in the store. Of course, Apple probably intended to hide the string that IDs the compatibility, but sometimes mistakes happen.

    Or, of course, the whole thing could be an accident/bug and it means nothing at all.

    Oct 23, 04:00 PM
    ms ist collapsing under its own weight. my god, they cant even get a decent os together after how many years? so, the marketing goons in redmond think that if they manage to stem piracy, that could make up for the losses to osx and linux they are sure to incurr. because lets just face the facts: vista in all its incarnations is not even worth half of what the asking prices are.....

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