Friday, June 24, 2011

iceland volcano lightning

iceland volcano lightning. Above an Icelandic Volcano
  • Above an Icelandic Volcano

  • tipdrill407
    Jul 24, 03:57 PM
    I think this BT MM will replace the Apple BT mouse currently available. Apple is already offering the MM with all mac desktops except the mini. And to me i think it's very annoying to be stuck with one button when using a desktop so it only makes sense to get rid of the one button BT mouse.

    iceland volcano lightning. Stormy Mix at Iceland Volcano
  • Stormy Mix at Iceland Volcano

  • Aquaduck04
    May 4, 08:58 AM
    Wait, tell me what the source is again? A CSR via a forum member?? Gotta be joking..

    iceland volcano lightning. Iceland Volcano Pictures:
  • Iceland Volcano Pictures:

  • dan5.5
    Sep 15, 05:48 PM
    I got myself a used Canon XSi with a 18-55 IS Lens

    iceland volcano lightning. Lightning streaks across the
  • Lightning streaks across the

  • Gasu E.
    Jul 24, 01:58 PM
    As a Mac fan-boy I'd love to think Apple actually picked up sustainable market share, but as an actual technology product manager who does forecasts for a living, I've got to look askew at the data:

    * Mac market share was DOWN the previous quarter

    * The attributed cause of the share drop the previous quarter was the transition to Intel

    * Therefore the previous quarter share drop represented pent-up demand that would rematerialize once the Intel transition stabilized

    * Therefore one would expect a corresponding one-time blip UP in the corresponding quarter to resolve the pent-up demand

    * And low and behold, the marketshare "increase" just about corresponds to the resolution of the previous quarter's pent-up demand.

    In other words, to keep the same long-term share, the current quarter's share would have to temporarily rise to make-up for last quarter's drop.

    Sorry, amigos, I'll wait to see next quarter's data before I pop the cork...


    iceland volcano lightning. volcano from Iceland),
  • volcano from Iceland),

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 06:50 PM
    It's obvious that at this point in time sales of any one phone model is going to be quite a bit less than iPhone sales. Model for model, nothing is close.

    iceland volcano lightning. We are slaves to technology.
  • We are slaves to technology.

  • smilechild
    Apr 23, 08:46 PM
    I've waited for this for so long, I hope the iPhone comes to T-mobile this year... it would be an answered prayer!!!


    iceland volcano lightning. iceland volcano lightning
  • iceland volcano lightning

  • Mherm88
    May 3, 07:44 AM
    UGH why can't there be a 128GB SSD+1TB 7200RPM, comon now.

    iceland volcano lightning. iceland volcano lightning.
  • iceland volcano lightning.

  • iApples
    May 1, 11:35 PM
    I guess Osama Bin Ladin's iPhone tipped Pres. Obama off.

    I heard he didn't disable the location service on his newly purchased Tweetbot app. That damn Twitter will get you every time.


    iceland volcano lightning. iceland volcano lightning.
  • iceland volcano lightning.

  • Kwill
    Apr 22, 11:03 AM
    ...current generation of LTE chips forced design compromises that the company has been unwilling to make.
    Translation: Apple's new iPhone, code named Anorexia, couldn't possibly hold 2 chips! We aim to make a phone so thin, a postage stamp would add bulk.

    iceland volcano lightning. above an Icelandic Volcano
  • above an Icelandic Volcano

  • kernkraft
    Jun 6, 06:36 PM
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! My brother actually did this!!!!!!! This article is about my brother!!!!!!!!!!!! NO JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, he is 10 not 11

    In that case, don't read the comments. Some people blame your parents and your brother, big time.

    I'm on your side, kid. Accidents happen.


    iceland volcano lightning. Another Iceland Volcano Image
  • Another Iceland Volcano Image

  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 08:02 AM
    Uh-oh, if you arent position 1 in front of the Apple Store, then the guy is probably a scalper. I think it's mostly mall employees lined up inside right now. I managed to get in with a hopeful mall employee just before 5am.

    iceland volcano lightning. Tags: iceland, volcano
  • Tags: iceland, volcano

    Apr 23, 08:47 PM
    9 To 5 Mac's discovery is quite interesting as it shows that this is a recent and updated iPhone with an A5, rather then an old iPhone 4. Maybe the new iPhone 5 will bring some more carriers for the Americans, help slow the loss to Android?

    That is my thinking as well. There has to be increasing pressure on Apple from Android, the stats show it.


    iceland volcano lightning. eruption volcano lightning
  • eruption volcano lightning

  • mjstew33
    Jul 21, 10:26 AM
    I say we'll have 5.5% next year. :) :D

    iceland volcano lightning. Lightning electrifies volcano
  • Lightning electrifies volcano

  • CaryMacGuy
    Apr 22, 09:52 AM
    I really want to see an LTE iPhone in 2012. I recently bought a Droid X on a 1 year contract because I wanted a phone with a large screen (and the iPhone 4 has a pretty small screen for today's phones). When my 1 year contract is up, I will look at all the smartphone offerings available at that time and make a decision on what to get next. I want Apple to make the short list but if there is no LTE iPhone, I will find it really hard to want to lock myself into 2 years with last generation technology.


    iceland volcano lightning. above an Icelandic Volcano
  • above an Icelandic Volcano

  • nefan65
    Apr 12, 10:22 AM
    unrevoked3 + ROM Manager = Cyanogen CM7 in less than 5 minutes with little to no tech skills.

    My argument, as well as others, is that you shouldn't have to do that. That's the complaint. They should give an option for a "Vanilla" install, and leave it at that. This is the same issue with Windows. You buy a new PC from DELL, HP, or whoever, and it's filled with all this extra stuff. Sure, I can reformat it, and do all that, but why? It's BRAND NEW. I shouldn't have to do anything, except install the apps I want/need, and files.

    iceland volcano lightning. iceland volcano lightning
  • iceland volcano lightning

  • MacSA
    Jul 24, 05:24 PM
    I dont know what people see in the Mighty Mouse, I tried one out in a local computer shop and found it VERY frustrating to use.


    iceland volcano lightning. ICELAND VOLCANO

  • blackpond
    Apr 29, 03:49 PM
    Its been my observation that most of the prices on existing content was increased to 1.29. I don't have hard number to back this up, just my observation that most of the content was bumped to the higher price point from being at 0.99 before.

    It's based on demand. If it's still popular its more expensive - no matter how old it is.

    iceland volcano lightning. Volcanic eruptions are lit by
  • Volcanic eruptions are lit by

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 28, 06:01 PM
    Jesus christ the world will end.

    iceland volcano lightning. Above an Icelandic Volcano
  • Above an Icelandic Volcano

  • bcaslis
    Apr 21, 07:06 PM
    I don't buy it.

    Again, the link:

    So your link is to an article where the writer has no clue why it wasn't done? Not very useful. Again, I don't get why people don't get this. A backlight keyboard takes more room. Not a lot but some. The new MBAs are thinner with larger batteries than the first. Seems pretty reasonable it wouldn't fit. Note this is Apple, which do you think they would chose, thinner or a backlight keyboard?

    Apr 29, 10:38 AM
    Stores will go down on Tuesday May 3rd! Get your plastic ready!

    How do you know this? Any evidence to back this up? I am so anxious to get my first Mac now!

    Sep 12, 09:26 PM
    Awwww @ the dog.

    I bought one of these today:

    It's a Strawberry Banana Smoothie. peapody gave me the idea after posting it in the last thread. I looked up its nutritional info, and I think it might be the healthiest thing on McDonalds' menu!


    The only thing I've bought at McDonald's in the past 5 years is their coffee/iced coffee.

    Apr 26, 12:30 PM
    If there is one thing Amazon doesn't need to worry about - it's the lawyers, they got plenty of them!

    Plus, even if they charge a bit more to recoup the costs - they have huge advantage in that a) they are already there and b) they aren't cloud n00bs with one freshly baked data center close only to the US :)

    And who said anything about Apple devices? Apparently, not many people are concerned ( about that one :p

    every cheap phone you get on your carrier has android installed. it's not really a fair comparison when all the cheap phones that people get free already include that OS. it's not really preferred....

    Apr 9, 08:07 AM (

    ISO100 ||
    10mm ||
    f/16 ||
    1/100 ||

    (7d / Sigma10-20mm- Morzine, France)

    Jun 6, 09:51 AM
    Where's the personal responsibility/Apple shouldn't do things for their customer comments? I thought that was all the rage now a days...

    I haven't seen those.To what were they referring?

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