Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • peapody
    Jan 30, 03:27 PM
    I just ordered this bag

    I really like that bag! Very nice.

    Just had Five Guys with my brother. No one in my family but me takes him there. It's become our thing :) (

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
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  • diamond.g
    Apr 12, 08:14 AM
    As a typical consumer, same as a prosumer, or pro -- speed. For example, backing up your iDevice, importing big megapixel photos and HD videos will be a whole lot quicker.

    It will also make connections easier as TB can handled video, audio, and data in the same cable.

    It's amazing how people who hang out at a site dedicated to Apple don't really know anything about Apple R&D. This is so old news. But here for your edification:

    Take hard note of the sentence: "Developed by Intel (under the code name Light Peak), and brought to market with technical collaboration from Apple."
    Bolding mine... As a point of contention. Especially since iDevices don't even saturate the USB bus. I doubt Apple will spend more money to use faster Flash storage. Especially when (as of right now) Windows PCs don't have ThunderBolt.

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  • RBR2
    Apr 12, 02:15 PM
    The Thunderbolt Wiki ( has a diagram showing the TB controller's access to things. The accompanying description ("Thunderbolt can be implemented on graphics cards, which have access to DisplayPort data and PCI express connectivity, or on the motherboard of new devices, such as the MacBook Pro.[5][17][22]") implies that a TB compatible PCIe graphics card could bring older systems up-to-date. That would be interesting.

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  • Eraserhead
    Jul 25, 08:12 AM
    (the new 5G are a bit wider and thinner than the 4G) making any devices that the iPod "fits into" need to be retooled.

    My 5G iPod fits in my 3G dock just fine, the only problem is that it's thinner so it doesn't fit snugly. I think it will have a dock connector (for accessories) and a headphone socket and hld switch at least, though a splash power charger would be cool, i can just see your iPod falling off it, for a similar feature why not just include a dock to connect to your computer?


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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 25, 02:13 AM
    No - Mazola meant that Zune had none-touch - because he wouldn't touch it!


    -- - for iPod users who love to travel

    Ah... Gotcha.

    Ner!! Maybe I'm too sleepy right now... :)

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
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  • VirtualRain
    Apr 9, 12:38 AM
    Your brain after too many veggies...


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  • techpr
    Apr 14, 12:31 PM
    wait i'm confused is this for iphone or iPad or both? :confused:


    iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch.

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 28, 04:30 PM
    Someone will make a case. Do you think these established companies want some newjack to come in and steal their entire market? Once you buy a case and like it, you typically stay with that company for your next one. Businesses would rather make money instead of making points.

    There is not a huge market for the white iPhone and there may not be that much money to be made. Yes, a smaller case manufacturer may come out with something, but not somebody like Speck or Incase. Considering the delay of the white iphone and the iPhone 5 that many are waiting for, how many of these things are going to be sold? I just don't think a large case maker is going to find it economical to make a new case (if necessary), with the iPhone 5 potentially coming in the summer.


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  • blackstarliner
    Oct 24, 08:21 AM
    Interesting quote from the UK store MBP Buy now :

    "Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    Powered by two processor cores on a single chip, MacBook performs up to five times faster than the previous generation iBook."

    Looks like the copywriters thought they'd be upgraded too... :eek:

    They've upgraded the store pages for all the products, not just the MBP...

    Good call, other stores are not showing this 'error'.

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
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  • wizz0bang
    Jul 24, 04:46 PM
    I really hope that this mouse can better distinguish between a right and left click than the wired MM.

    Agreed... the corded MM needs improvements. Hopefully they address this at the same time as adding BT.


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  • selena gomez wallpaper for

  • fyrefly
    Apr 19, 01:20 AM
    If the new AIR is using the same Sandy Bridge processor as the Samsung series 9, you'll be sorely disappointed with its graphics performance.

    3DMark is less than half of the Air (2188 vs 4611)

    WOW ran at a miserable 14fps at 1366x768 res compared to the Air that runs at 53fps at 1440x900. Battery life is worse as well.

    We knew all this Graphics stuff already like a month ago from the Engadget review.

    They said the Series 9 gets 25 mins less battery life (

    PCMag says the Series 9 gets almost an hour MORE battery life (,1740,iid=291739,00.asp). These reviews are all over the place, and only tell part of the story.

    Yes, the graphics (aka Gaming) performance will be less. But it seems on par or better than the 9400m, which people use just fine every day in the 2008/2009 MBA/MB/MBP's.

    And regarding Battery life - we have no idea what Voodoo Apple puts into the power optimization of it's laptops.

    All we can empirically say at this point is that the (U)LV i5/i7 chips with IGP consume about 21W TDP, which is less than the SL9400/9600+320m combo which some have pegged at over 30W TDP. The laws of physics seem to dictate that since it draws up to 10W less power and would (presumably) have the same battery, a SB MBA would have more battery life than a C2D MBA.

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
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  • AlphaBob
    Jan 30, 06:17 PM
    You are right about this, but we have also never lived in a generation of such drastic debt and our markets are not sustainable at this level of debt....

    Drastic debt? Says who? By what historical standard?

    The debt stands at $23,300 per US Citizen. So in my LIFETIME, the government has amassed debt of about $100,000 for my family of four. In the past five years, one tenth of my lifetime, the 401K at my latest employeer stands at over $200,000 (after the significant drop of the past few months).

    How much money does an average new car cost? How much money for a house? When looked at in that light, there is nothing draconian about the national debt. Nothing to indicate that it can't be sustained.

    While I disagree with your economic theories and 110% disagree with the accuracy of your facts and figures, you and I are in complete agreement with one thing...

    The US can't continue to be the global police force. Frankly Europe consumes the majority of middle eastern oil, not the US. They are the ones that will find themselves in a world of hurt when the wells run dry. The US has huge untapped natural resources (coal and oil). Europe needs to man up and take care of their mess. Sadly there are far too many Chamberlain's in Europe.

    Thread hijack over -- AAPL stock is down just to create an opportunity for common folk to buy it.


    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
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  • ideal.dreams
    Oct 25, 07:04 PM

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. arnold schwarzenegger
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  • res1233
    Apr 29, 01:04 AM
    You need a larger sample size though.

    With only one data point for each, you need Poisson statistics. The standard deviation would be the square root of the value.

    So the two values are:
    138.8 +/- 11.8
    141.2 +/- 11.9

    So the error bars are large enough that we can't say for sure.

    Also the difference is small enough that oils from touching them could be the difference.

    Its good data though. Just need some more for better statistics.

    Dude, you're thinking too much... There should be very little difference between two white iphones as well as two black iphones since they're made exactly the same. I'd say one test is fairly reliable in this case assuming those are the same scales.


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  • selena gomez who says.

  • mc68k
    Nov 24, 12:51 PM
    i'm adding a bunch of machines for the break, should see some good #s

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
  • more.

  • countach
    Oct 24, 09:22 AM
    I haven't read all the messages, but I'm wondering....
    How many of you that have been waiting and whining actually took the plunge this morning?



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  • yg17
    Mar 7, 05:55 PM
    I guess we're down to one and a half men.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 04:52 PM
    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.
    This is unique to a large number of Apple users that must have small hands.

    My 4.3" HTC incredible is only 4mm wider than iPhone .

    25.4mm = 1.0" so how can a measly 4mm be such a big deal?

    jeff dunham divorce audrey murdick. more.
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  • MacRumors
    Apr 12, 08:58 AM (

    Aug 15, 08:40 PM
    The Expos� in Spaces screenshot is wild...

    And agree with Chundles that until we see ALL of Leopard's features listed, there's no way you can make a valid purchase decision on it.

    Understand, I am not suggesting how you should spend your money. This is just another opinion. But, I have been through all the 'cats' from the .0 release on. I have never had reason to complain.

    Apple may not be perfect, but they sure beat the pants off Brand X. I have been working in IT since 1981. I have spent the vast majority of time with Workstations and PC's. These include every incarnation of DOS and Windows, SPARC/Sun, SGI/MIPS, OS/2, and the IBM RS-6000 Series. I am a late arrival to Apple/Macs. In fact, it was somewhat by accident. But, I am now convinced OSX is the finest desktop OS ever made. Until this no longer the case, I will throw my support fully behind the most innovative HW/SW manufacturer in the world. I would gladly pay full price for a beta copy of Leopard right now.

    Apr 19, 04:27 PM
    I had to finally register to comment on the hypocrisy in this and many other threads like it. Because some people want frame rates for gaming on an MBA, then your needs for GPU performance are valid, and others who don't game but could use CPU performance have invalid needs? Rubbish.

    A perfect example is the above. So the C2D rates as a 100/100 for CPU performance and thus any improvement is useless? Really?! Nice to see that you framed the argument such that any improvement you don't see as needed is useless.

    On Sunday I combined 6 or 8 short 720p video clips into a 7 minute video for YouTube with a simple title screen and transitions. It took the C2D ~40 minutes to process the video and save in a new format. So you're really going to argue that there is nothing to be gained from a significant bump in processor speed?

    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.

    Well, I shall say first of all, welcome to the MacRumors forum :) I believe CPU is important to the computer as the GPU is. As current computers are, CPU have set a milestone where most users are not even able to use 100% of the capabilities hidden in such a powerful processor.

    Now, you were complaining I used 100/100 in the CPU analogy? fine, I will change it. CPU will be 90/100 and GPU is 80/100 as the 30% increase in cpu and 30% decrease in gpu, we will see a difference of 117/100 and 56/100. Am I arguing that there will be nothing to be gained from a bump in processor speed? Definitely not! Who doesnt love the little extra power when we need it? Who doesnt want the latest in tech? What im saying is that the downgrading of the GPU outweights the upgrading of the CPU in terms of OVERALL performance.

    Futhermore HT and Turbo dont work 100% of the times.
    For you and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump will be indeed welcomed. But as of me and the I believe majority of MBA owners and will be owners, the difference of processor speed is negligible to a certain extent, but the performance lack of GPU will be noticed the moment we start using the Macbook Air.

    +1, besides, the 13" MBP + 128GB SSD provide far better value-for-money than any present 13" MBA.

    The cheaper solution, the 11", tells another story but even then anything past the base model comes so close to the price of a 13" MBP+SSD that it's impractical to get a 11" from a performance point of view, especially when it's equipped with the slow 1.4 C2D. The 1.4 i5 will provide far better performance (certainly far more than 40% of speed boost). We will still be able to watch FullHD movies despite the less capable IGP. Games. Don't tell me you want to play WoW on a 11" monitor.

    FX4568 said "We have enough to accomplish our tasks, and any more would be an overkill in the things we need our computer to process.". Overkill means the increased processor speed will not be of any use, or, in other words, useless.

    You are comparing a cheaper price point by bringing a 128 SSD into the game. You must understand that even though many people have to choose between the 13 MBA and 13 MBP, both of them are made for a different purpose. You can play WoW on a 11" monitor. Why do you chain your MBA to tasks that you only think it will be able to accomplish.

    Okay, sorry about my lack of further explanation, but I dont want this to sound personal, but what you are doing is taking my statement to a whole different level. I would like to infer that your intelligence would be above the mark where I dont have to expand on every single statement that I say. When I say that the C2D is enough to accomplish tasks, I am saying that it is good enough for the higher than average person. Handbrakers of course will face a time difference on the processor speed, but as many of us know, not everyone uses Handbrake, and if we do, it is not something we do daily. Processor speed is always welcome, but at the sacrifice of GPU from 320m to the Intel GPU is the difference between the ability to play Crysis on 19.3 FPS at Medium settings and not be able to playing it at all while the performance increase in CPU is the difference between 10-30 minutes in Handbrake.

    Nov 3, 06:12 PM
    From the screenshots alone, it looks like a Cocoa app, which pretty much guarantees it'll be faster because it won't have the extra Qt bloated code in it ;)

    Right, and Cocoa isn't the slightest bit bloated? :rolleyes: (can you say runtime messaging and binding overhead?)

    Regardless of the relative difference in overhead, I'd expect it to be negligible in both cases. This is just the gui that sits around the virtual machine, a nice window dressing to make it accessible to the user. It should only be exercised when you're doing stuff like editing configurations or attaching devices. The real meat of either VMware or Parallels should have nothing to do with what gui toolkit they use to display the window.

    It's exciting to see this finally moving along. I really think virtualization will play a much larger role in everyday computing in the future. Forget backwards compatibility nightmares, just virtualize it. I'm already hogging way too much disk space on my Macbook with a few Parallels VMs that I use on a regular basis. Whenever Apple releases an affordable desktop Mac that can take more than 4 GB of memory, I might check out VMware at that time and see if it's any better.

    Oct 24, 08:41 AM
    I just wanted to say...CONGRATULATIONS GUYS, IT'S (finally) HERE! :D

    Apr 26, 05:57 PM
    smug free screen? Apple will never eliminate smugness in its products! :)

    happy former owner of a 27" i7 imac that was stolen last month. Looking forward to replacing it with this new one.

    I saw and got my hands on a possible prototype IMac that had a touchable screen and a smug free screen. It also had the earlier uncoded virtual keyboard in the Lion OS. though it was only a prototype but a very realistic one for production. I believe it to be the IMac I and my father both got our hands on earlier this year.:apple:

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