Friday, June 24, 2011

zach galifianakis beard

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  • Westside guy
    Dec 4, 11:04 AM
    Look, it is not my intention to cast any aspersions on carterx, but it would be totally STUPID for anyone to download and install software that's sitting on a site other than the offical one ( in this case) just because someone posted it to a forum. Doubly so when the link is posted by someone who's joined the forum in the past few days!

    People, you need to use some security sense. Nine times out of ten a link posted by a random user is probably safe; but it's that other time you need to worry about. Especially now that Macs have a higher profile.

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • twoodcc
    Oct 21, 10:05 AM
    It doesn't look like the Core i860 was overclocked, running at 2.8...

    Hyperthreading does wonder to Folding eh.

    oh ok. i did see a core i7-860 running at 3.8 somewhere. but 43 - 45 mins a frame should be about right i think. wouldn't you get a bonus with that?

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • madoka
    Apr 24, 02:39 PM
    From what I understand:

    - transgendered guy walks into the women's restroom at a ghetto McD
    - a couple of women in the restroom see him peeing while standing up and/or his penis
    - they feel threatened and freak out
    - beating ensues

    I don't want to blame the victim nor do I think the beating was in any way justified, but if I were a transgendered guy, I would not be going to the women's room in the ghetto when there are hood rats around.

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • astroot
    Apr 15, 03:16 PM
    Well Apple has used up all the "big cat" names like Tiger and Lion which means that either OS 11 is underway or they will be in the embarassing situation of having to use lesser cat names which imply "less".

    Ocelot, Cheetah, Cougar, Fluffy, etc......:cool:

    I for one am ready for OS 11.0 "Merlot"

    Heh, 10.0 was named Cheetah.


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  • spicyapple
    Aug 15, 09:54 AM
    Safari improvements are most needed, especially Safari Find seems like something I'll use more often.

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  • dashiel
    Jul 21, 11:35 AM
    Phil Schiller recently that it isn't going to happen. "absolutely not, the R&D would be prohibitive and we�re not going to do it. Our solution is dual boot." ( At the same time, they are happy to promote Parallels (

    schiller also said � i think the day before boot camp was announced � that apple wouldn't prevent users from putting windows on the intel macs, but they wouldn't facilitate it either.

    apple is notorious for saying one thing and then turning around and doing the exact opposite the video ipod being a perfect example. i'm not saying it will happen, i'm just saying don't put much stock in comments from apple execs regarding future products.


    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • dscuber9000
    May 1, 10:28 PM
    President Obama will let us know soon ... it is being reported that it was an intelligence mission carried out by US forces

    According to CNN, the United States has his body. So I'd imagine it was the US that killed him... but yes, Obama should cover this.

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 01:04 PM
    I do not care to put my itunes media on the cloud. However I would really like to see mobileme have more storage and a lower annual price. I am using the gallery more for posting old home videos for family to view with AppleTV and other devices. Besides email and a small web site, that is the most I've utilized this service. The price is just too high even with the recent increased usage I've had.

    If they plan to offer large capacity media storage for itunes media at $20 a year then mobileme needs to be around the same price or part of that over all deal.


    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:38 AM
    Moving the iPhone release to autumn could also help shift more units since it's not long before the Christmas shopping season.


    Only drawback is the people coming off two year contracts

    Ever since the iPhone came out I've said that it will eventually replace the iPod. That day may be coming sooner than we guessed.

    Someday the iPhone will be just like the iPad. There's no 'iPod Touch,' just an 'iPhone' that you buy with or without a 3G or 4G chip. And it's up to you if you want to buy service to go along with it or not. (They could still call it the 'iPhone.' The chip-less one would come with a booklet telling you about Skype and Viber and other wifi phone services.)

    Such a device would naturally go on sale before the holiday season, so maybe we're close to that happening. I don't think it'll be this year, but maybe they're getting us ready for the year when it does happen.

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • appleguy123
    Apr 30, 12:13 PM
    Is the new Ravenvii and Chrmjenkins' game next? I'm eagerly waiting from the sidelines to see what it will be like.


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  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 10:19 PM
    Does Apple's website specs show this?

    EDIT. Nope. Still 9.3 mm thin
    Apple "overlooked" the fact that there is a slight difference due to the improved antenna.

    Oops, that wasn't supposed to be mentioned.

    Forget you just read that. :)

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • dreary
    Apr 24, 04:11 AM
    this isnt shop lifting, this is a human fighting for their dear life. getting paid 5 dollars an hr is not more important than a human life in my eyes..i bet if it wasnt a lgbt creature then people would of tried to block the savage teens from their cruel acts. :mad:


    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • !� V �!
    Apr 28, 05:24 PM
    Here's another way to slice it (literally). Flipped half the image. Left the guidelines on this one as well.

    Image (

    I agree that this is no substitute for measuring the actual phone, but, at least in that photo, they are identical. Certainly not off by 1mm as the original post states.

    Everyone knows that black is always "slimming." :eek::p;):D

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • dashiel
    Jul 21, 11:32 AM
    Increased market share can only be a good thing.

    Most people I know however, who were using macs at uni or at work, have all switched back to windows in the last year or so and they are not looking back. I suppose marketshare in the UK is not in par with the US. It would be interesting to do a survey of this increased user base and discover the role of the mac platform as it has evolved these days.

    I suppose my question is: Has the mac/osx platform changed direction towards its function and purpose? What is a mac with osx good for these days?

    A few years back the mac was the platform of choice for the creative class such as designers, photographers, Video editors, etc. Most of these people, with the exception of video editors, have now switched to windows because of the better choice of software and better upgradeability.

    the mac platform is still the choice for the creative class. you won't find more than a handful of print designers using windows. adobe/macromedia sales figures show just about 50/50. creative pros don't care one whit about upgradeability. final cut pro is absolutely devastating the film market right now, eating away at the market share of avid solutions. these are all factual and verifiable.

    as for your anecdotal evidence of your friends switching back, i'm sure that has happened. i can anecdotally tell you two of my colleagues have switched recently, buying not one, but two laptops each (15" and 17"). thing is my anecdotal evidence is just as useless as yours, all that counts are cold hard numbers and 4.6 is greater than 3.2. clearly mac market share is on the rise.


    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 13, 11:07 PM
    Meh, my 3G S works fine for now.

    When Apple starts talking about the 64 GB (or better yet, 128 GB - though I'm not holding my breath) iPhone 5, then we'll talk.

    Besides, when my contract is up in July, iPhone 5 talks should hopefully be out. I can wait.

    White iPhone 5 64 GB LTE + white iPad 3 128 GB (Wi-Fi + LTE) - I can dream, can I not? :D

    For my significant other, the 3GS is what they chose as a Valentine's Day gift... just a little upset that they are Jonesing for an iPad 2 ATT 3G right now. AFTER I explained the tethering option for the iPhone 4. :( For them the 3GS is great - so far LOL

    They are now seeing that my advice for the iPhone 4 might have been a better choice; even if they stay with their MBA 11". Been together just under a year together; but it seems I am getting "tech points" on future tech gear purchases. :D

    Just as I am gaining "points" on their choices in "home purchases". :o

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • bluebomberman
    Jul 11, 04:05 PM
    I dunno, the XBox seems to be doing pretty well, and I don't see how one could say that Microsoft had a monopolistic advantage there. All they really had was a brand name and mucho $$$ for marketing, and they managed to establish a foothold in the game industry.

    The first XBox lost lots of buckets of money. Jury's still out on XBox 360.


    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Lollypop
    Jul 25, 01:11 AM
    Is Apples Bluetooth tech anywhere near as completely useless as Logitech's bluetooth mouse tech?

    I have a DiNovo bluetooth set and the mouse (suprisingly the most expensive mouse they sell) is almost criminally bad. If this represents the bluetooth signal as a whole for mouse movement then why in gods name is Apple making this? I cant even use my Logitech BT mouse because it only works normally for 10 minutes before it freaks out or just stops trying, I have to stick with RF from them (which is flawless).

    I had one bluetooth mouse, macalley I think, threw it away very fast, also had one of the first logitech cordless desktop sets, worked like a charm, only down side was the need for some dongle, I would love a cordless keyboard and mouse that doesnt need a dongle, hence bluetooth, but Im going to read a dozen reviews first before I even try anything bluetooth again. Lets hope apple fixes the problems they had with corded MM.... :o

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Jason Beck
    Apr 12, 05:58 AM

    zach galifianakis beard. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 25, 12:11 AM
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

    That's pretty messed up. Just because you feel uncomfortable with someone who doesn't identify as their birth gender doesn't mean they're somehow not worth your conversation.

    Is it because of your religion? Christian perhaps? I wonder if Jesus would have been so dismissive of trans people too.

    Mar 11, 05:57 PM
    About one hour to go, brea mall is at ~600 in line. insane.

    Clix Pix
    Jan 10, 08:27 PM
    I stumbled on to this discussion and continued reading the thread out of fascination.....

    This woman clearly has some mental health issues. Aside from the obvious obesity, she clearly may have some physical issues, too, which are only contributing to this overall situation. That is most unfortunate and I really do hope that she is receiving both medical and psychological help, as she certainly is demonstrating that she is very needy, very in need of help outside of herself and her own little world.

    It's interesting, isn't it? Onlookers recoil in horror at the sight of a very obese, morbidly obese, beyond-morbidly obese, individual and shudder. Someone who is 400, 500, 600 pounds or more just isn't a lovely sight.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum onlookers also recoil in horror at the sight of a very emaciated individual, someone who is skeletal, skin-and-bones..... Someone who is an adult, even a short one, weighing in at 40, 50 or 60 pounds just isn't a lovely sight, either.

    Funny how very often the emaciated ones (those suffering from anorexia nervosa, which is a clinical diagnosis outlined and fully described in the psychiatric literature and the DSM -- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual -- issued on a periodic basis by psychiatrists) -- do wind up in a clinical setting, either a medical floor or a psychiatric floor...... It's pretty clear to even the most naive of laypersons that there is something wrong when a person seems to be starving him/herself to death and is presenting as skeletal.

    Funny that when someone is going to the opposite extreme and stuffing him/herself to death that it isn't acknowledged in the same way and that very often it is only when someone has really gone to extremes such as weighing several hundred pounds over mere "overweight" status that anyone really takes notice. When someone presents weighing 600, 700, 800 pounds, yes, that is suggestive of the need for clinical intervention, both medical and psychological, isn't it?

    On both ends of that spectrum, people die. Anorexics weighing 30 or 40 or 50 pounds die -- they also can die at much higher weights, closer to "normal" weights, too, actually, if the refeeding process and clinical treatment isn't handled carefully. Yes, they can die at so-called "normal" weights due to some underlying psychological issues never being addressed at all or not being addressed successfully even as the weight is seemingly restored.

    Undoubtedly many people who have gotten to the point of morbid obesity or beyond that also have died, even during the process of attempting to restore weight to a healthier or more normal level....and again, chances are that this is due to the underlying psychological issues never being addressed or being inadequately addressed.

    Sad, isn't it? Going to extremes in any direction is not a good thing and when this occurs it usually is pointing to significant underlying issues in an individual's life which really need to be addressed along with the particular weight situation.

    Don't be repelled by the severely obese person you meet or the severely emaciated person you meet; these are real people with real feelings, real issues hiding in there somewhere and the bottom line is that these are people who need help.

    Jun 6, 06:08 AM
    'Eleven-year-old "Accidentally" Downloads $1000 App' more like, the kid blatantly knew what he was doing, you can't accidentally buy something, he clicked 'buy', what was he expecting to happen...

    May 3, 08:22 AM
    And yet prices in the Australian Apple Store are still 25% higher than the USA Store. How rude, Apple.

    Top end 27" iMac = US$1999, or in the Australian Store, AUD$2299 which at the current exchange rate is about US$2500. Why should we pay more, Apple? If anything, we're closer to China so should pay less on shipping!

    Whilst it's slightly better than yesterdays prices, I'm still seriously not happy.
    I'd buy one if we got the USA prices.

    I agree completely, but we are really paying more than 25%... Consider the AUD is 10% above the USD the Aussie store should be no more than 5% difference compared to the US store.

    No mean to troll, but at least HP and Dell if you mention the cost of the USD they'll tend to match it as close as they can. I got a MX14 for the same price as the US store, $1200 Aussie compared to the $2299 on the Australian Alienware site. Still the minus being no Mac OSX, though it does have Redhat :o

    Sep 18, 05:26 PM
    We should try to pump up the team with these new bigadv units.
    This team slowed down huge when the GPU client came out, which is Windows only.

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