Sunday, June 26, 2011

who is arnold schwarzenegger wife

who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. who is arnold schwarzenegger
  • who is arnold schwarzenegger

  • leekohler
    Mar 3, 04:48 PM
    More Sheen madness. Just slightly alarming.,0,1251027.story

    Sheen pleaded guilty to misdemeanor third-degree assault after the Aspen incident, in which Mueller told authorities that he threatened her with a knife at their holiday home.

    In her new allegations, Mueller revealed it was not the first incident. In October she alleged that Sheen "knocked me to the floor, causing me to hit my head on the corner of a couch. I was knocked unconscious and required medical attention, including a CAT scan."

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • GuitarDTO
    May 1, 02:43 PM
    You can't beat it because it's a pirate site. NONE of the money from the site goes to the artists, songwriters, producers, labels, etc.

    There's a reason it's based out of Russia. So I hope you're happy knowing your essentially buying stolen property.

    Proof please. You have no idea what does or doesn't go to the artists, songwriters, producers, etc. You are speculating. The site has been up and running for years now, because noone has been able to prove in a court that they are doing anything illegal. If the courts decide otherwise and shut the site down, I'll move back to Amazon.

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. arnold schwarzenegger wife
  • arnold schwarzenegger wife

  • neko girl
    May 1, 11:46 PM
    I would just like to mention two things:

    1. Today is yom hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
    2. Yesterday, April 30, 2011 is the anniversary of Hitler's death.

    Just want to through those two items out there
    Your 2nd date appears to be incorrect.

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Maria Shriver Kennedy Arnold
  • Maria Shriver Kennedy Arnold

  • iliketyla
    Apr 13, 07:53 PM
    Have you been reading the recent rumors regarding the next iPhone release? That's the whole point of releasing the white iPhone 4 now, IMO. It's tying people over until iPhone 5, which will almost definitely not see the light of day at WWDC.

    IMO it just seems odd for Apple to break from tradition like that and not do a refresh. Who knows, your guess is as valid as mine!


    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger has; Arnold Schwarzenegger has. MacRumors. Jul 14, 09:14 AM
  • who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger has; Arnold Schwarzenegger has. MacRumors. Jul 14, 09:14 AM

  • iDrinkKoolAid
    Jul 10, 09:53 AM
    As a frequent user of Pages 2, I would like more toolbars and less of the 'inspector' stuff, which to me is not as convenient.

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. arnold schwarzenegger wife.
  • arnold schwarzenegger wife.

  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 19, 07:43 AM
    An ultra portable or headless tower is innovation? The world is full of them. On the other hand, Front Row, Boot Camp, built-in iSight, Mag-safe connector, mighty mouse, much more bang for the buck iMacs, laptops and MacPro's do not count. As I remember, this time last year almost everybody was complaining about "obsolete" G4's in laptops and the limited number of hard drive and optical drive slots on the PowerMacs. I guess solving those problems does not count.

    iPods is the cash cow and what did Apple do about it? Well, colorful nanos are cool, but I prefer a white one anyways. I'd think iPod camp would have a lot more to complain about. Geez...

    Front Row: A little list of Music and Movies a la Windows Media Center... not new

    Boot Camp: Dual booting.... thats been around for decades...

    Built-in-iSight: Ok just because it has a fancy name doesnt mean its any different... its known as a webcam. Theyve been around almost a decade.... just b/c Apple was one of the first (not the first) to put it in doesn't mean they're special or that it counts as innovations

    Mag-safe: Youve got 1!

    Mighty Mouse: behold the two-button mouse that doesnt work. You're right that is innovative... that a company would make such a lousy product whose main functions doesnt work.

    Bang for the buck: Thats not innovation, thats economics. Apple's not the first one to decrease the price of a product. :rolleyes:

    I would all count these as advances not innovation. While I do appreciate them and believe Apple is doing well; don't call them what they ain't: Innovation. Call it as it is: Improvements.

    Its hard to ask for much while these guys are finishing a whole new OS. Trying to Beta-Test it. While trying to keep up with all the new Intel chips and dealing with the new techonology pipeline. They've delivered huge improvements, may not be innovation; but it certainly is better. And I rather have that than nothing.


    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger has
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger has

  • MacDawg
    Mar 8, 08:43 AM
    Hmmm... Really. That would be interesting but he doesn't have the same feel as a Charlie Sheen IMHO. That might be interesting thou.

    Who does? ;)

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. arnold schwarzenegger wife and
  • arnold schwarzenegger wife and

  • longofest
    Sep 30, 07:42 AM
    I get about the same drop rate or worse in the DC Metro area. I also have friends on AT&T that have their text messages go to the wrong person. Thinking seriously of getting a Verizon BB and an iPod Touch to replace my iPhone. :(:(:( Sorry :apple:

    I get very good reception in the DC metro area (NoVA). I estimate only 1-5% dropped calls, which is acceptable to me.


    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor

  • j800r
    Apr 26, 12:59 PM
    I can't believe you guys could be such hypocrites!

    You spend over �1,000 on an Apple computer and complain about a pathetic little �20 a year for a cloud service?? Seriously, if you're THAT cheap I'm surprised you're not joining the Win PC fanboys in saying "Macs are overpriced junk". Seriously, you have to buy your OWN storage space so why do you think Apple would give you theirs for free?? They're a business, not a charity.

    If you wanna use the service, pay for it. If you're not interested then don't. But don't start complaining Apple is charging a ridiculously small amount for using THEIR hard drives. It might by called "the cloud" but your data is still stored somewhere, and that somewhere is on Apple's servers. They weren't free for them, so why the hell should they be free for you?

    Oh, also, if you're so cheap why not sell your shiny Macs and use the money to buy yourself TWO Win PCs. That way your precious money goes further.

    (Apologies to the ones who haven't complained for having to put up with my little rant there, but surely you can see why this irritates me. :\)

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 26, 06:19 PM
    27 mins? On the 2.26 octo?
    Getting 43 mins on my 3ghz octo from 2007...

    I thought it seemed pretty good.


    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. who is arnold schwarzenegger
  • who is arnold schwarzenegger

  • Lixivial
    Jul 24, 08:54 PM
    Kinda takes away from that whole "Simplicity is everything" slogan Apple is known for, doesn't it? While I'll reserve my judgments on the design until it's worked into a final product, it does look like the user needs to take unnecessary steps to actually use the click wheel. Then again, pictures (drawings) probably can't do the interface justice.

    Still, not everything has to be digital over analog...

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and

  • CalZephyr
    Apr 23, 08:20 PM
    I wish I could hear even a rumor of the iPhone coming to Sprint. :(


    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger#39;s shift
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger#39;s shift

  • amac4me
    Jul 21, 10:52 AM
    It's been a strong position of mine for over 1.5 years that Apple's market share was to rise significantly. Data in now demonstrates that the position I've have held is valid.

    I expect to see a large spike in Apple's market share over the next few years and by the time we see the successor to Leopard, Apple will have 8% market share. I made that prediction earlier this year.

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. arnold schwarzenegger wife
  • arnold schwarzenegger wife

  • andrewbecks
    Apr 25, 09:56 PM
    Remote access with iPad to a Mac works fantastic with a number of programs / utilities... Just Do it :)

    Agreed! I use LogMeIn Ignition paired with a Bluetooth mouse and it works quite well. So much so that I'll be replacing my 2009 MBP with a new iMac when they are released next week.


    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger Wife
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger Wife

  • ug.mac
    Nov 3, 10:25 PM
    i just finished installing xp sp2 on vmware works fine....

    just under device manager it tells me one unregonised hardware....the video card... any1 knows how to solve this?
    or is it part of the game

    You need to install VMware tools from Virtual Machine menu.

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. arnold schwarzenegger wife and
  • arnold schwarzenegger wife and

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 09:52 AM
    Interesting view but?
    Suing your supplier is tricky but,
    Suing your largest customer is STUPID. Apple can likely find other sources but customers the size of Apple?
    Never happen. They have a death wish.

    How is 4% of their revenue a death wish for a company that is about twice the size of Apple as far as revenue goes and has a foothold in many industries outside of Apple's circle ?

    No, these are clear negotiation tactics on the part of corporations. Apple doesn't care that Samsung is suing them and will continue to source part from them and Samsung doesn't give a hoot that Apple is suing them, they will continue to sell them parts.


    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. Arnold Schwarzenegger amp; family
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger amp; family

  • kim0785b
    Oct 23, 04:20 PM
    losers, i hate microsoft, stupid capitalists.

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. arnold schwarzenegger wife
  • arnold schwarzenegger wife

  • southernpaws
    Apr 22, 03:26 PM
    The fact is, we've been through this before. The iPhone 1 was going to be a huge failure because it didn't have 3G. They were concerned about coverage and battery life. It's the same issue now.

    People are saying apple should make those sacrifices now to keep up with technology. But nobody is addressing the fact that apple has historical evidence that this is a sound approach.

    who is arnold schwarzenegger wife. arnold schwarzenegger wife and
  • arnold schwarzenegger wife and

  • Nine9si
    Sep 30, 05:39 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A400 Safari/528.16)

    Yeah, I hardly try to make calls. I'd rather text or email because even here in LA calls get dropped alot.

    Apr 22, 06:21 AM
    3.. 2.. 1.. FIGHT (ding ding)

    We are buying apple products and or samsung products so they can toss the money in lawyers instead of r&d. Somebody really toke the Gene Simmons approach: "Make sure there are no incursions. Be litigious. Sue everybody. Take their homes, their cars. Don't let anybody cross that line.".

    Apr 13, 04:07 PM
    Hmm, the same Gene Munster who:

    -- predicted 4.3M iPads sold in 2010 (he actually lowered his estimate and ~15M were sold).

    -- predicted "lines will be small" for iPad2 (by his own later admission, they were longer than for the original iPad).

    -- predicted Apple would sell half a million iPhone 3GS during launch weekend (they sold double that).

    -- predicted Apple would not launch a new iPhone at the 2009 WWDC (they did).

    -- predicted in 2005 "Apple is prepping Macs to serve as a hub for digital media for consumers by incorporating Tivo-like DVR capabilities"

    -- Has missed numerous financial estimates by large margins.

    To be fair, Munster is better than most "professional" analysts, he does a bit more research and has a decent track record on certain details. But I'm just saying, don't put much "stock" into this.

    Aug 15, 09:19 PM

    Am I the only one that thinks this is potentially the new UI?

    I don't mind the "bubbles" in concept. What I think is hideous is the ovalness of them and the coloring. I'd prefer something lighter and beveled.

    !� V �!
    Apr 28, 05:26 PM
    If you look at other photos it looks exactly the same.

    That photo has a weird angle to it. You can see the other side of the white iphone.

    Someone from "a" news service is bending a no story into "A Story." ;):D

    Battlefield Fan
    May 3, 08:29 AM
    Since when has the iMac had a TFT display? I thought it had an IPS display??

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