Saturday, June 25, 2011

leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster

leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. This Romeo + Juliet vintage
  • This Romeo + Juliet vintage

  • MacRumors
    Apr 28, 03:46 PM (

    Earlier today, a MacRumors reader notified us that the white iPhone 4 is ever so slightly larger than the black iPhone 4. It's a small difference, but enough that the white iPhone 4 wouldn't fit in his Incase slider case:Just picked up the white iPhone 4 and realized it doesn't fit into my Incase slider case. It appears that Apple has increased the size of the plastic that borders the glass on both sides by about 1mm.

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo and
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo and

  • jessica.
    Sep 15, 07:35 AM


    You have really small feet. ;)

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo and
  • Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo and

  • jav6454
    Apr 29, 04:03 PM
    At this point, most people would call an explanation necessary.

    I don't have one at this point. Random people killed and so far only villagers dead. I have no idea on a wolf.

    Now if that is suspicious to you, then go ahead and kill me. You'll be surprised at the result.

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 3, 07:19 PM
    I know somebody who was bipolar, and now that it's controlled by medication, he's a functioning, productive person. Before that he was manic, impossible to get along with, and self-destructive. I don't define that as "him".

    I myself had a very different personality when I was in the grasp of depression. I damn near broke up my marriage, and I was often cruel to my kids. That wasn't "me". This is me. I look on myself back then and am embarrassed at a lot of what I said and did. Though I try to forgive myself for some of that, the fact of the matter is, I own it and I'll always carry a certain amount of guilt at things I did that I cannot take back.

    Sheen only thinks he knows who he is right now.

    And just so this post isn't a total downer...another "Who said it?" quiz ( Only this one pits Charlie Sheen against Ghadafi and Glenn Beck. :D

    I only got eight out of 15. :o


    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. LEONARDO DICAPRIO ROMEO JULIET

  • bigjnyc
    Apr 12, 11:21 AM
    The iPhone 4 will be a year and a few months old by September. I guess Apple can afford to wait simply because the iPhone brand has a good deal of market power, but it's still strange because their competition will be head over heels ahead of them. I hope iOS 5 is out before fall.

    Thats a good point, with the Android platform releasing a new phone every 3 days on every network and with every phone manufacturer possible, This doesnt really make good business sense for Apple.

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. Movie Poster - Leonardo
  • Movie Poster - Leonardo

  • TheyCallMeSaint
    May 3, 11:28 PM
    Disappointing, but expected. This actually brings up more questions than answers though:

    1) Is this a permanent move to a Fall Release of the iPhone?

    2) When, if ever, are they going to unite the CDMA and GSM iPhone releases (possibly in iPhone 5 with "World Chip")?

    3) Does this affect the timing of iOS's release, which has traditionally been released with the new iPhone and has been centered around the iPhone's hardware?

    4) The iPod touch has traditionally been released months after the iPhone. If the iPhone is released around Sept, will they release the iPod touch along with it?

    Meh, I don't have an upgrade for 1.5 years, so it doesn't matter to me. But still interesting.


    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. Picture of Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Picture of Leonardo DiCaprio

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:52 AM
    Hmmm. I was fully convinced that dethmaShine was being totally sarcastic with his posts. Seemed obvious to me.

    But I see that 5 other posters don't think so. Those are some pretty big odds...5/ I really right?

    Yeah, I still think I am. :p

    Edit: 7 now!

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. William Shakespeare#39;s Romeo +
  • William Shakespeare#39;s Romeo +

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 12, 07:36 PM
    Very well put. I agree with you 100%. I bought pages thinking it could replace MS Word after seeing Jobs demo at MacWorld a couple of years ago.

    When I tried to use it to build a Messier Catlog viewers guide it was the worst software experience I have ever had. It crashed constantly, it corrupted files. It was difficult to manipulate the graphics and get them where I wanted them. Text flow was clumsy. It was painfully slow.

    I have a G4 1.67 GHz, 1 GB, PB and it took 7 minutes (I timed it) to open the document. The document contained 100 tiffs and 100 jpgs in tables on only 50 pages. It would open, then it would take another 3 minutes to scroll.

    Pages V2 was better but still sucked. I could never make compatible .doc files. Most of my co-workers were on Windows machines running Office 2003 and when I would email the .doc, I would always get an email back saying that something was wrong with my file or that their virus checker said it was bad. Whatever, I had to finally abandon Pages.

    I don't even like pages for quick documents. AppleWorks is better or even BBedit, depending on the type of quick document I need.

    Even Apple doesn't advertise this product as a competitor for Word. They simple sell it as a consumer level productivity tool.

    Well, I'm sorry that you had such a bad time. However, if someone in your situation were to come to me and say "I'm working in an office with a bunch of people using MS Word where I have to exchange documents back and forth with them, and I was considering trying to use a new piece of software which says it can import and export Word format. What do you think?" I would have told you in no uncertain terms that I think you're nuts for trying such a thing. In-house you need to have 100% compatibility, which no product could ever give you except Word itself.


    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo and
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo and

  • DeathChill
    Apr 30, 09:50 PM
    The only people who lump in tablets and PMPs into the platform are apple lovers who are in denial. Everyone else separates them by device. Smartphones are compared to smartphones. Tablets to tablets, etc.

    But that's what the iOS platform is: an OS that runs on tablets, PMP's and phones.

    The people who care about the platform are developers, which are kind of important to everyone who uses the platform.

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. Romeo+and+juliet+1996+
  • Romeo+and+juliet+1996+

  • valdore
    Jan 26, 01:44 AM
    No need to get huffy about it! ;) :p :D

    Sorry... didn't mean to sound huffy. :cool:


    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo and
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo and

  • silversin
    Apr 12, 09:50 AM
    June 6 people, June 6...

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. juliet, trailer, 1996,
  • juliet, trailer, 1996,

  • digitalbiker
    Jul 12, 07:19 PM
    Show me where Apple calls Pages a consumer app (

    Oh come on at least give the guy something!

    It is common knowledge that Apple markets two principle lines.

    The consumer line which used to be prefaced by an "i". iWork, iLife, iBook, iPod, etc.

    And the Pro line which used to be prefaced by power or Pro . Ex: PowerBook, PowerMac, Final Cut Pro. etc.

    I am also sure that if you review the introduction of Pages at MacWorld it was intended to compete as a consumer product and not a replacement for Word by Steve Jobs. He is always very careful about how he phrases things so that he doesn't upset, MS or Adobe, when they come out with these apps.


    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. Romeo + Juliet is a 1996
  • Romeo + Juliet is a 1996

  • emotion
    Jul 25, 10:00 AM
    I've been checking the UK store (Higher Ed + Normal) since the announcement, the Wireless Mighty Mouse is still not up there. Are you sure you're not confusing the Mighty Mouse with the wired one? ( The Wired Mighty Mouse is is �31.73 H.E, �35.00 Retail)

    Plus, I think we've already had a link to MacWorld showing the price at �49.99

    Sorry for the confusion, see my edit above.

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. [ ROMEO AND JULIET POSTER ]

  • yamaha106
    Oct 28, 05:08 PM
    A Verizon iPhone :(


    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. Leonardo Di Caprio
  • Leonardo Di Caprio

  • jiminaus
    May 3, 08:01 AM
    Order placed. Upgrading from 24" 2.93 GHz Core 2.

    3.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
    8GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x4GB
    2TB Serial ATA Drive + 256GB Solid State Drive
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB GDDR5

    Hopefully should last me a few years like the old one. 6 weeks to wait though. :(

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo and
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo and

  • daneoni
    Oct 24, 09:26 AM
    Apparently the 160GB HDD's performance is on par with the 100GB 7200RPM and a tad faster than the 120GB??


    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo and
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo and

  • splashnader
    Jan 27, 07:36 PM
    $9.99 taxes in, couldn't say no to that.

    I missed seeing it in theaters. That's a great deal for the price.

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo and
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo and

  • rovex
    Apr 14, 02:13 AM
    iPhone 5 is releasing in September, no question about it now

    leonardo dicaprio romeo and juliet poster. leonardo dicaprio romeo
  • leonardo dicaprio romeo

  • Anonymous Freak
    Apr 27, 06:30 PM
    If you don't have a daughter, then you don't have a clue.
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

    I, on the other hand, do have a daughter. And if I saw someone who was obviously transgendered (as opposed to 'obviously pedophile cross-dresser',) I would have no problem with them entering the ladies room at the same time as my daughter.

    We don't have the complete story behind the video, just as we didn't have the complete story behind the Rodney King beating video up front; but on the face of it, this is a group of young women beating a transgendered person until she has a seizure. All the while, being egged on by the employees of the store.

    Now, if the 'transgendered person' was really just a creepy crossdresser, someone who does not regularly self-identify as female, and exposed himself to the young women, then I would not have a problem with the young women defending themselves. But once it was out in the open part of the restaurant, with the 'offender' on the ground, that person is no longer a threat. And once they leave, any return to fight is purely wrong.

    At best, the attackers had a legitimate complaint, and took it waaaaay too far. At worst, they committed felony assault as a hate crime.

    !� V �!
    Apr 28, 04:28 PM
    If this white iPhone 4 does not fit the official Apple Bumper then I can see this as a problem. Otherwise its a moot point, my case is made out of rubber and it is still capable to stretch a little to fit a little more or less in size.

    Too bad for those who spent money on a "fitting" case.

    Sep 17, 02:34 PM
    Just got this for $30 :D

    Oct 1, 02:36 PM
    AT&T has hands down the worst service I have ever experienced.

    It is as though they were operating in an emerging mobile phone world sometime in the early 80's when phones were the size of a Sat phone or you carried it in its own portable case.

    In all the years I was with Verizon I had maybe 10 dropped calls.

    They should be ashamed of themselves. But really what do they care, they have the iphone exclusively for the time being.
    I must say this reflects poorly on Apple who picked these idiots in the first place.

    Honestly, on a day to day basis, I think about going back and just giving up, the service is just terrible and I live in NYC! Where there are towers everywhere, and I usually have 5 bars.

    Despicable profit seeking, customer service unfriendly whores is what they are!Blame Verizon then. Apple approached Verizon first, and Verizon was unwilling to allow Apple to have full control over the OS, the design of the iPhone

    itself, or to make concessions regarding profit sharing. CDMA would not have been an ideal choice for a global phone, in any event.


    I'm thinking of switching from Verizon to AT&T to get the iPhone. However, I'm hearing horror stories of up to 30% dropped calls in the NY area.

    For all iPhone/AT&T users in northern NJ and NYC area, can you verify that you experience around 30% of dropped calls?? is this true??

    I want the iPhone, but not if it comes with such bad service!!

    Thank you,

    olimits7Northern NJ: zero dropped calls, excellent coverage overall.

    Apr 13, 08:39 PM
    That is why iPhone (4) sales will remain close to zero until the iPhone 5 introduction. A white iPhone 4 will not change that very much. :rolleyes:

    ????? When did this happen? You do realize that 99% of consumers don't follow this stuff that close and have no idea when products are released.

    Apr 30, 09:03 AM
    I have to wonder how many people discussing audio quality buy their movies from iTunes vs Blu-Ray.

    Just asking since apparently those people are so concerned with getting optimal performance from their media.

    Not to take this off topic - but too many people have been duped by all the streaming serves and cable companies to believe they're getting a true HD experience when, in fact, they aren't because of the astronomical bitrate difference between what can be streamed vs delivered by hard media at current.
    Not me. Most movie viewing comes from my collection or from Netflix. Netflix BDs in the mail, that is. And over half of the reasoning for that is the audio. I had great audio before great video.

    Currently trying to decide how to begin purchasing music again. I've been out of the market for years, except for a couple CDs here and there and about 6 downloads, ever. Should I hunt down 24/96? Should I upgrade my TT and focus on vinyl? Or is CD going to have to be good enough? Possibly even some downloads for the kids' stuff to save cash.

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